3 months.

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2 months passed and aurora has been given an extension on her time living in the small cottage until the baby is born.

and it still could be years until the war is won.

theo has a right to know about the child.

but how to tell him?

"FUCK" aurora screamed out from the cliff before she collapsed to her knees and cried.

"i cant have this baby. not yet." she whispered to herself.

then a voice called out from behind her

(please imagine this in french)

"ma'am are you quite alright?"

aurora stood up and dusted off her skirt, keeping her back to the voice.

"yes! thank you, sorry!"

"i can tell you are not, miss what is the matter?"

the voice grew louder and closer. only then did aurora turn to face a woman who looked exactly like-




"what are you doing here?" they asked at the same time, they shared a light hearted laugh before andromeda motioned for aurora to speak.

"mother sent me away for the war, claims it is no place for a young lady."

"and why do you cry dear girl?"

"shes sent me alone, im not allowed any contact with any of my friends, draco, my boyfriend. completely and utterly alone"

"do tell me about this boyfriend, star" andromeda held her hand out and the 2 walked back to auroras small house while aurora told her aunt about theo and the life inside of her.

"oh my darling neice, i know not of a single thing as horrible as this and how you must be feeling"

"i dont know what to do, andy"

"the boy deserves to know youre with child"

"i know but how do i tell him when hes across an entire ocean"

a moment of silence is shared between the women.

"ill take you and bring you right back."

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