right here.

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once back at the castle, draco ran off to find his boyfriend. because a few hours away from him makes him incredibly anxious.

'try pretty much 9 months' aurora had thought when her brother announced this fact.

as soon as they were back in the dorm, aurora took apollo from the carrier on theos chest to feed him again as he began crying while they were walking up the stairs.

mcgonagal had been so kind as to give them the dorm the closest to their small common room, to make it as easy as possible to access.

"there you go darling" the blonde said as her son finally latched onto her and stopped crying.

"rora?" theo called from the bathroom

"whats up"

"im grabbing a shower"

"alright love"

"call me if you need anything at all"

"i will"

since having apollo, theo had been constantly making sure aurora knew what he was doing and that he would stop whatever it was if she needed 'anything at all'. it was cute, unnecessary, but cute.

theo was still in the shower when apollo decided he was done, so she layed her son on her thighs and sorted herself out before sitting him up and rubbing circles on his back. apollo was sick, not a lot but still. she cursed under her breath and cleaned it up quickly before laying her son into his own bed and her picking up one of her school books, not bothering to look at the title or subject.

she had a habit of putting small post-it notes onto the page her assignments started on in the books, with a short description of what she needed to do for homework. soon enough she found out she had a care of magical creatures book infront of her and all she had to do was read 2 chapters about centaurs. easy enough.

the room was quiet apart from the occasional babble from the bed next to her and the water running in the bathroom. it was peaceful. it was the sound of their small family. it was comforting.

she wizzed through the chapters, didnt even realise when theo got out the shower and changed in the room.

until, "darling" he spoke from next to her, the opposite side to where apollos cot was.

"sorry, was catching up on a-" she snapped out of her trance and looked at him, closing the book

"its okay love" he smiled and pulled her to sit and kiss him.


they hadnt kissed like this in a long while and, honestly? it was amazing. it was delicate. nothing like the triple-pecks they share before bed or classes. it was full of love and adoration, heat and joy. they pulled away, breathless and smiling.

"ive missed you" aurora said, climbing onto his lap and hugging his neck

"im right here, love, right here" he mumbled as he hugged her back

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