Chapter 7: A bet to win your heart

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Utahime walks towards the entrance

She was speed walking, walking upstairs while having an arm on her back for a bit. "Oh- I feel like I have back pain." she was whimpering to herself, heading to her classroom.

As Utahime made her way she saw Mei Mei in the distance speaking with Nanami who barely comes to Kyoto. "Mei? Nanami? What are you guys doing here?" she questioned as their attention shifted to Utahime. "Oh Hime, we planned on meeting here." Mei smiled until she noticed Utahime looking like a mess. "Why do you look like you were just done getting drunk without me." she crossed her arms. Nanami left right after telling Mej Mei he would be leaving. "Ah yes, I was drunk from drinking too much last night." she lied to hide the truth. Mei Mei smiled and nodded. "Have a fun day teaching, Hime." Mei replied, walking away as Utahime waved.

Whenever Mei Mei left Utahime's sight, she sighed in relief. She didn't want anybody finding out what she and Gojo did together. She was slightly limping. "Damn you Satoru." she thought while in a grumpy mood now, she entered her classroom to teacher her students. "Sorry I'm late! Shall we start our lesson?" she changed her mood to make it less obvious, clapping her hands to catch her students's attention.

Todo looked at Utahime, noticing she's slightly limping. "I wonder what's the reasoning." he thought. Mai raised her hand. "May I ask why you're limping?" she questioned, Utahime was caught. "Nothing Mai." she spoke softly, Maki scoffed. "Oh my back hurts." Utahime continued to maintain her anger, Mai and Todo started to whisper to each other about the current situation.

Utahime's attention is now focused on her students, she clapped her hands to get their full attention. "So as you all may be aware, tomorrow there will be an event that'll finish off the 30th Annual Goodwill Event. There was a meeting that I attended about the cursed spirit attack that happened here at school days ago so we will be doing a more safer and appropriate event." Utahime explained while her students's listened. "But we were wondering if you all wanted to continue it." she questioned, Todo stands up straight. "Yes, I think we should continue this event." he spoke with such confidence, Utahime smiled and nodded. "Any one else agrees with Todo?" she looked around, some nodded and didn't reply to her answer. "Whenever Gojo Satoru selects the event, we'll be preparing the event for tomorrow." she spoke.

Meanwhile Mei Mei walked, she thought Utahime was acting suspicious until she noticed Gojo spying on her, she remembered what Shoko said last night about the relationship between Gojo and Utahime, knowing damn well how Gojo would act towards Utahime, she thought of an idea so she snuck up on him. "I sure did go rough on that tight pussy of hers." he spoke out loud while smirking. Mei Mei was shocked to hear the news. "Did you just fuck with Hime?" Mei Mei spoke which startled Gojo. "Mei?!" he jumped and faced her. Mei Mei placed her hands on her hips. "Don't tell anyone, Mei." he was serious. "How about you give me some yen and I'll keep my mouth shut?" she smiled, making a hand gesture money sign. Gojo was hesitant. She sighed and pulled out her phone, showing a picture she took of Gojo and Utahime fucking in the secluded alley. "I actually saw the entire thing, I didn't want to be so obvious." she had an evil grin, Gojo looked back at the picture and back at her. "How much?" he spoke lowly, he didn't want Mei Mei to expose his secret. "How about 10 million yen?" she smiled.

Gojo thought about it for a second and he had an idea which caused him to bite his lips by the thought of it. "Actually, can you get me pictures of Utahime?" he smirked while Mei Mei nodded, her hair literally covering her face. "Alright then, for how much?" she questioned, putting her phone away. "10 million yen like what you suggested." he smiled. Mei Mei laughed. "Done, I'll get you those pictures and make sure to have the money ready." she spoke as she walked away. Gojo smiled as he walked to his classroom where Itadori, Megumi, Nobara, Maki, Toge, and Panda are at waiting.

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