Chapter 14: Date night

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They continued to kiss, Gojo deepened the kiss more

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They continued to kiss, Gojo deepened the kiss more. He removed his hands off her ass and instead he wrapped both his arms around her neck while they kissed lovingly, Utahime was a blushing mess.

"We'll get caught if you don't stop..." she tried to make an excuse to stop but Gojo didn't listen, instead he deepened the kiss more. Even if she made a good reason, Gojo wouldn't have stopped. That's how crazy he is for Utahime, in other words obsessed that he would do anything to gain her love for himself. She was his and his only after all.

"Why am I enjoying this..." Utahime thought, she was filled with desire for him. When not being intimate, she would always be pissed or annoyed by Gojo's actions and commentary's he makes about her and it all started whenever they were young, specifically in Gojo's teenage years which explains how childish he was in the past. They are friends or coworkers basically but this is different- they were 'friends' before but now they're lovers. Just like friends to lovers, that same concept.

Utahime kept on moaning in between the kisses, getting lost in thought as they both continued to kiss. "Oh this idiot- this feels so addictive." she thought with a hint of lust as they continued making out, Gojo was extremely satisfied that the fact he got Utahime into this. He wanted to take this to the next level but he knew he shouldn't where they're at now.

After a while, Utahime pulled away for a second, looking at him with a look of disbelief replaced on her face now. "Why are we doing this? I have to work and plan out for the karaoke night tomorrow..." she whispered softly, her breath hitched slightly to his soft kisses on her neck. He laughed softly.

"I know, but I'll be keeping you with me for a while before letting you go." he smirked, leaning it to kiss her again but she pushed him away.

"Enough Gojo..." she said, annoyed. Gojo released his grip on her, giving her some space. "What's wrong, love? I thought you loved this." he asked with concern in his voice, cupping her chin gently as he stared deeply into her eyes, they were so beautiful that he would get lost in them forever.

She sighed, looking into his soft lips. They looked so kissable. Now leaning in to kiss his lips but she resisted.

"Idiot." That's all that she had to say. He smiled, kissing her lips slowly in an enjoyable way ignoring the fact that she's mad at him. Utahime was about to pull away again but she couldn't resist it so she returned the kiss, their tongues dancing with each other in delight.

Utahime started to get annoyed at him for making her act this way so she pulled away, annoyed. "You wasted half my time, I have to go back to work!" she stormed out the room leaving Gojo satisfied with what he's done with her. "I want her completely." he mumbled, thinking of possible outcomes.

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