Chapter 11: Addicted to you

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As the kiss continues...

Gojo gets a little bit too excited, he started biting her neck. Utahime moaned which was music to Gojo's ears, it encourages him to continue. He continued to bite her neck while slowly lifting her up, pinning her against the wall. She gasped, blushing.

Itadori and the other two continued to call out Gojo's name but he continued to ignore them, mainly focusing on Utahime in the meantime.

Utahime's hands were on Gojo's muscular chest for support as he continued to nibble or bite on her body, he had an obsession with Utahime clearly. "You're mine, completely." he mumbled, gripping her hips tightly.

Itadori faced Megumi and Nobara. "We should split up so we can find Gojo-sensei quicker." he said, walking away. "Last time I saw Gojo-sensei, he was hanging out with Utahime." Megumi spoke to Nobara, she scoffed. "With Ms. Utahime? I thought they both hated each other." replied Nobara, crossing her arms. Megumi shrugs and walks away.

Gojo began removing the white kosode, the predecessor of the kimono Utahime is wearing. It stopped at Utahime's shoulders, she blushed by his sudden move. "You're an idiot." she whispered softly against his ear, he felt her warm breath tickling his skin. He grinned and started kissing her hardly, showing no sign of stopping.

Utahime tries to pull away in a couple of seconds to breathe air but he refused to stop as he continued. "Idiot..." she mumbled, kissing him back with no sign of stopping. Gojo got very excited, his tongue entered her mouth again.

They kiss for over a minute, Itadori's voice is heard getting closer. "Gojo- we should stop." whispered Utahime, trying to pull away from the kiss but Gojo didn't allow her to. "Why should we? It was just getting better." he grinned, kissing her more deeply.

Utahime pushed him away, adjusting her kimono. "You idiot, there's company." she spoke with anger, Itadori was getting closer. "Then shall we take this somewhere else?" he insisted, caressing her hips affectionately with a smirk on his face. She stared at him with disbelief. "There are children nearby! Specifically your students, Gojo." she crossed her arms, glaring at him. He chuckled and removed his hands off her hips, placing his hands inside his pockets while staring into her beauty. "Alright, well shall we continue on with our date~?" he grinned, leaning forward to hold her hand while the other arm is behind him. "Date? This was never a date!" she yelled. Gojo kissed her hands with his soft lips.

 Gojo kissed her hands with his soft lips

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She gasped softly, blushing. "Oh you're such an idiot!" she yelled with hesitation, looking away. Gojo laughed, finding the occasion cute. "Why do you have to be so cute when mad?" he teased, his lips curled in a grin on his face. Utahime's face was flushed with embarrassment. "S-Shut up!" she yelled, Gojo was so in love with her as he kept on smiling at her.

Utahime felt herself growing hotter each second. "I'm going to get some fresh air." she spoke, fanning herself with her hands. Gojo laughed. "Allow me to accompany you." he insisted. Utahime nodded and started walking towards the opening of the school.

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