Chapter 4 - we will meet again!

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Luna POV: i wake up with a strange feeling. I looked around but then i remembered where i was and what happend last night. *gosh i am so glad we are safe for now, can't think about what would happen to us if we walked through the forest the whole night* i thought. I looked under my bed where my sister Cuppy was sleeping on another bed. I slowly came out of the bed and tried to wake Cuppy up. "Cuppy hey get up it's mornin'!!" I said with a big smile on my face. "Ughhh not now i don't wanna wake up at the moment." I heard Cuppy say. My smile faded a little when she said that because i know how she feels the last few days. *i hope she'll be okay soon..* i thought.

Then we heard a soft knock sound on the bedroom door. It was Elder Kettle! "Wake up young ladies, breakfast is ready! We have pancakes downstairs, please put on your clothes and come downstairs!" Elder Kettle said and we heard him walk away. I saw that Cuppy was awake now too so we did as we were told, we ran to the stairs and then followed the amazing smell of freshly baked pancakes.

We all then sat down and ate up all the delicious pancakes. "Woah the pancakes were amazing mr. Kettle!" I told Elder Kettle and he smiled warmly back to me. "No worries my child, baking pancakes is something i really like and you children have to grow from it!" I smiled at him and then looked at the other people at the table. Cuppy was just enjoying her breakfast but i could tell from her eyes that she's still tired, Mugman was just done with his breakfast and waited gently for the others to finish too, and Cuphead was reading a comic, i couldn't tell what it was about but i noticed that he sometimes was looking at me. When he noticed me looking back, he quickly turned his face back into the comic which resulted me making a slight small giggle sound.

"Now that everyone is finished, it is time for the young ladies to pack their stuff again and for the boys to bring them home again!" I saw Mugman nod but Cuphead on the other hand was slightly looking sad. I didn't wanna bother asking him what's wrong so i ignored it. Me and Cuppy go upstairs again to pack our stuff and then i realised i could ask her what's going on.

"Cuppy, i see only sadness in your eyes, is there something wrong?" I asked with a worried face.
"Nah, it's nothing. Don't worry about it lil sis." She answered, i wanted to ask her if it was true but then i thought it's best to just forget about it. "The two cup bro's are really nice, huh?" I said to change the subject.
"Yea, especially the blue one, i think his name was Mugman, he is kinda cute to be honest." Cuppy said.
"He is indeed really nice!" I said in response. "By the way, that red cup is also really gentle with you, could be nice if he became a close friend of yours!" Cuppy said out of a sudden and then i blushed but quickly shook it away.
*yup, that would be real nice.* i day dreamed a little but then i remembered we had to go soon so i quickly got out of my thoughts, packed my stuff, and got downstairs with Cuppy ready to go.

Elder Kettle gave us one last hug before we were about to leave the house. I suddenly felt sad knowing this will probably be the last time when we see this house and them. Elder Kettle noticed and he grabbed my hand and said the following words: "don't worry Luna, you're always welcome here and you can stay for as much as you want!" He said and i hugged him tightly and saying a small thank you. Me and Cuppy said our goodbyes and walked with the cup bro's outside back to our house.

We arrived at our home safely, thanks to the boys who brought us back. Cuppy gave them a hug and said thanks for bringing us safely back and then it was my turn to say my thank yous. I gave Mugman a big hug and he told me he would love to see us return soon again to their house. I saw that Cuphead was feeling a little akward so Mugman tapped his shoulder to get his attention back. "Oh yea sorry, it was really fun even though you guys stayed not too long so it would be great to meet you guys soon again!" He then looked at me and whispered something to me: "stay safe Luna, you're an amazing friend and it would break my heart if something happens to ya" i tried not to blush at what i've just heard so i just smiled at him and said my thank you, i hugged him and then it was time for the boys to return to their own home.

We got inside and i immediately went to my bedroom to read a book because i felt sad. Normally i would be sad but then be okay after 10 minutes but the sad feeling isn't stopping...

Hi peepz! Sorry if this chapter is slightly boring but i can tell you guys that the next chapter will be interesting!! But i'll have to warn you guys, the next chapter will have mentions of lonelyness and r@pe! You will be reading more about that soon! Stay tuned...

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