Chapter 2.

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"She wants you to feature Lee Bada?!"

Y/N knew the moment the name left her lips that she would not be hearing the end of it. Especially because her best friend had the tendency to overreact to almost anything and everything. And so, there she sat on her own swivel chair, in her own little office. Head in her hands as she listened to Jihye go on and on.

"Oh, my god! I'm not even you and I'm dreading it already."

If not already, the furrow in Y/N's brows deepened. "What, should I just not take it?"

"Well, no!" Jihye was quick to answer. "But also... yes?"

"Wow, thanks for such an amazing answer."

"Well, think of it. You might wanna do it, the question is, would she?"

The question made Y/N pause. She has not really thought of that. But in her defense, how could she when she was too busy getting caught up with something that had not even happened yet? Jihye was right. Even if she had wanted to do it, who could tell if the other girl would want to work with her?

She could not even remember the last time she heard something about Lee Bada or any of her endeavors. Or maybe it was because she was apt to avoid anything that was even the slightest bit related to the girl. She almost forgot that it was all two years ago.

"But you know, two years is too long a time. People change. Maybe in that time, she realized you were just looking after your future." Jihye shrugged, her posture relaxed as she leaned back on one of the chairs in front of Y/N's desk. "Forgive forget."

Forgive, forget. And as much as Y/N wanted to believe in that, she could not even apply it to herself. Up until now, she could not even forgive that one time a co-worker ate the ice cream that she put in the office fridge. But it was not about her, right? This was about Lee Bada.

With a small breath, she sat upright and looked hesitantly at her best friend, who was all nonchalant and picking at the ends of her hair. "Jihye..." She had called out before she took another breath, this time deeper. "Is she still mad at me?"

Her friend paused. The look that she received made up the lump in her throat that made it almost too hard to breathe. She knew what it was and what the answer must be. But maybe, just maybe, everything finally ended well in that two-year time.

Jihye licked her lips, thoughts dry as she tried to think of something. She had known Lee Bada longer than she had been Song Y/N's best friend. And although Lee Bada and her were not what could really be considered friends, with the amount of dance practices and performances they have shared, they could not be considered strangers either.

"You know what?" Jihye clasped her hands together and sat up straight. "It's time for lunch!"

"But it's just ele-"

"Lunch time!"

There might have not been an answer, but Y/N had already gotten hers. Why else would Jihye not say anything? And with that, she let herself be tugged out of the office and down to the company canteen. Her mind was still full of thoughts and unanswered wonderings she knew may not ever find an answer.

The canteen was only half-full when they stepped in. They got off too early and it was obvious. The lack of regular bustling employees made the plain white floors and interior look more miserable and the room larger than it actually was.

"They have jokbal!"

Y/N pinched the bridge of her nose, partly to stop the throb that she could feel was coming to her head and also in an attempt to cover her face from the people that have turned to them at Jihye's enthusiasm.

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