Chapter 10.

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For most people, to work with the Lee Bada would almost be as good as randomly finding a diamond ring on the street. Just the name would be enough to send an average person into a frenzy of feels and fangirling.

Too bad Song Y/N was not one of those people.

"Tough day?"

Y/N paused and looked up from her notes (if it could even be called that, considering all she'd done for the past hour was a doodle of a duck or two). The space next to her was now occupied by someone. The moment her eyes landed on the curly, wild hair, she knew who it was and closed up her notebook, unconsciously straightening her back.

"Not as tough as you guys have it. I'm sure." Her answer earned her a light chuckle.

"Wang Haechi."

It did not take Y/N a second before she took the girl's hand in a shake. "I know and I'm Song Y/N." She introduced.

"You... know?" The girl gave her a confused look.

"Oh, I'm friends with Noh Jihye." Y/N explained, smiling as the girl gaped at her in realization.

"Well, nice to meet you." Hachi shook her hand and pulled away. "What brings you here anyway, if you don't mind me asking? I've seen you the past days but you're not a dancer or a staff."

"I'm a writer." Y/N grinned as she waved her notebook. "I'm doing a feature about Lee Bada."

"Sweet!" The girl grinned back. "You know, if you're looking for someone to interview for insights, I'm totally available. Wouldn't mind a little exposure." She winked and gave off a cheesy smile.

Y/N couldn't help but laugh and just nod along. "I'll keep that in mind."

"Wang!" A call made the two of them stop all too soon. It was Lee Bada. The tall girl was standing in the middle of the dance room, arms crossed over her chest. "Are you gonna sit there all day?"

Haechi didn't seem to take it personally, however, as she grinned. "Be right there!" She answered, making the other girl roll her eyes and turn away. "I should go now before she takes my head." She then told Y/N who just nodded in understanding.

"Good luck."

Haechi gave her a smile and stood up. "You too. I reckon a feature would take more than just a couple of cute duck doodles." She winked before jogging away.

Y/N sat there silently for the next moments as if processing what had just happened. Before she knew it, a small amused laugh had already slipped and she shook her head. However, she soon found herself stopping as someone sat next to her again.

Much to her dismay, it was a smug-faced, eyes twinkling, Noh Jihye. The girl gave her a meaningful look and even wiggled her brows. For a few seconds, they remained silent as Y/N chose to ignore her and open up her notebook again. But Jihye was not one who could really be called a "woman of patience" as she pushed Y/N's notebook down.

"So... what's the tea?"

"Huh?" Y/N gave her a confused look. "...I had coffee."

Jihye facepalmed, the sound sharp and she groaned. "What an idiot... I mean, what's up with you and Haechi?" She asked, head starting to throb from having to deal with the oblivious that was Song Y/N.

"Oh..." Y/N's mouth parted in understanding. "It's nothing... she just asked me what I was doing." She answered, her gaze momentarily moving towards the center of the room where Wang Haechi was currently practicing with the other. When she caught Y/N's gaze, she gave a smile and a thumbs-up.

"Wang, you keep messing up! Timing!" Lee Bada yelled out, making just about everyone flinch at the suddenness. After a few beats of ultimate silence, she cleared her throat as if snapping out of it. "From the top." She ordered before squatting and snatching her water bottle from the floor. Her eyes were still narrowed as she took a swig and wiped her mouth with the nack of her hand.

Woah... doesn't she look so-

"Earth to Song Y/N!" 

The whack that Y/N felt on her shoulder snapped and pulled her out of her daze and she blinked. The next thing she saw was Jihye's face and raised brow and somehow, she felt her face heating up. "What?"

"I saw that~" Jihye mused and smirked, making Y/N's mouth gape and for her eyes to widen. But before she could speak, that is if she would even be able to, Jihye spoke again. "I knew you had a knack for tall dancers-"

"Shut up!" Y/N had clamped a hand over her mouth. "Seriously, Jihye. Can't you live up to your name?"

But like how her best friend usually was, she brushed Y/N's words away and pushed the girl's hand away, revealing her still-smirking lips. "Aww, don't be shy. Haechi seemed interested too."

"What..." Now Y/N was confused. But her mouth soon gaped. Jihye was talking about Jihye, not about her gawking at - "Oh..." Y/N muttered, cutting off her own thoughts before shaking her head. "No, it's not like that."


It was clear as day that Jihye that didn't believe her for some reason. It gave Y/N the sense that the other girl would do just about anything to prove her wrong. Thankfully for her, the producers called all the dancers participating in the program for a wrap-up and she didn't have to deal with her best friend anymore.

Y/N had started to pack up as well. Not that there was much since all she had with her was a small carry-on. She didn't even have to worry about her food either as the production crew had generously told her not to be shy and help herself with the food they prepared. She slightly thinks it was to stay on her good side, being that she's working for one of the nation's biggest publications.

The past three days have been the most exhausting for her. Jihye was right. Living with an ex wasn't 'peachy' at all. Well, at least she had her own room and space in the apartment. If she chooses and is really desperate, she could avoid going into contact with Lee Bada, who, for some reason, seemed to have grown comfortable with bossing her around. And as much as Y/N had wanted to get back at the girl by writing about her bad experience in the article, her name was signed in an NDA contract. And one of her principles was to be objective. Strangely, it seemed as if she was the only one who had a problem with Lee Bada.

It's fine. It's only four more days anyway. I'm sure it'll be a breeze.

"You should come, too, Y/N."

A furrow was quick to appear on Y/N's face as Jihye popped up beside her again, bags packed and all. The unusually wide grin on the girl's face was enough for Y/N to know that her friend was up to no good. "What now?"

"We're going clubbing!"

Called it.

"U-ugh, I'm n-"

"Why should she?" The rest of what Y/N was about to say got cut off as Soobin spoke up from where she was standing with the others. "I mean. we don't know her that well."

The silence that followed was awkward and unnecessary as they looked at each other. Y/N did not say anything. She does not have any idea what to do. Confrontation. The lump that had formed in her throat booked out her urge to say something to Soobin's innocently smiling face.

But Noh Jihye was not afraid of confrontation. If not she enjoys it. Kind of like a 'destressing' activity as she likes to call it. 

"Soobin-ah, we both know that's a lie. Most of us here know Y/N. You, me, even Lee Bada." Jihye flashed a sarcastic smile and slung an arm around Y/N, who was too stunned to speak.

The smile was slowly falling off Soobin's face at Jihye's words. And the questioning look she received from her friends sent her reeling back. "W-what?"

"I'd love to remind you, but I'm afraid it would take until about tomorrow if we dive into memory lane." Jihye sighed with a smile before she turned to the others who were still silent. "Besides, if they don't know Y/N, they could get to know her over a few drinks."


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