Chapter 15.

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Lee Bada was dancing terribly.

That was something that Y/n had never thought she'd see unfold. But as she sat in the far corner of the room, her notebook in her lap as she attempted to write, the picture became clearer. She couldn't even remember how many times the music had been played from the top for the past couple of hours. That, along with Minyoungs loud voice instructing the members, made writing harder than it already was and Y/N had long ago given up.

Although Minyoung did not mention any name and stuck to just yelling out general instructions, it wouldn't take a genius to realize that it was BAda who kept messing up. The girl's face and clothes were already shiny and wet from perspiration. The deep line in between her brows was only getting deeper by the second.

Y/N could only shake her head before keeping her eyes focused on the still-clean page of her notebook. She knew that the girl didn't need another 'run from the top' to get it together. What Bada needed was a break. Let her mind and body rest for a while.

It was 6 in the morning when they arrived at the practice room. Y/N didn't have any choice but to come along because it would be great material for her feature. But strangely this time, she didn't feel annoyed by that fact. She understood. She heard from the staff that the filming for the routine would be a few days from today. Bada was a perfectionist. That and a due date combined used to mean hell for Y/Nback then. Between having to literally drag the girl out of dance rooms just to eat and even forcing her to rest more, by the end of it, Y/N used to feel as if she was just as exhausted as the girl.

"Stop!" Minyoung yelled out, making the music stop abruptly and for Y/n to snap out of her thoughts.

What am I thinking? Y/N shook her head. She's doing it again - getting way in over her head. She turned back to the middle of the room. Minyoung had her hands on her hips as her sharp eyes narrowed in on the others.

"Don't you know where your right and left are? Come on, That's for kindergarteners!" The girl snapped before turning back to the mirror. "From the top!"

The tension was getting heavier by the minute and Y/n found herself wincing. She'd hate to be in that position right now. Even a couple of staff in the room started to go out of the room one after another. Y/N actually wished she could do the s,e, but then she won't even have anything to write about.

That and she was worried about Lee Bada.

She didn't exactly know what was going on, but she knew that the girl was about to work herself to exhaustion if nobody stopped her. Y/N doesn't know whether she had it in herself to be the one to do that.

A couple more moments passed and it all remained the same. Every now and then the music would suddenly stop, Minyoung would yell, and then the music would start from the beginning. And just when Y/n was about to stand up to leave the tense space, Minyoung spoke again.

"You know what? I can't do this right now." The girl huffed, shoulders tensed and lips pursed into a thin line. "Let's take a break first." She muttered before heading towards the door, the loud slam it produced made just about everyone in the room flinch.

As the huddle in the middle of the room dispersed, Y/N found herself following Bada's moves. She's still limping... maybe it was more serious than I thought. She didn't move from her spot as the other girl crouched down a few feet away from her. And as Bada slumped down, head resting on the wall behind and her eyes closed, Y/N bit her lips in hesitation.

"Hey..." She called out and before she could take it back, Bada was already turned to her. "... are you okay?"

The few seconds of nothing gave Y/N the assumption that she wasn't getting an answer but to her surprise, Bada scooted closer to her. The action made her freeze and her eyes to widen, but still, no complaint left her mouth.

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