Chapter 8.

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"You know I won't hold it against you if you back out at the last minute, right?"

Y/N tore her eyes from out the window as she turned to Jihye. "What?"

The other girl glanced at her before focusing back on the road with a small huff. "Come on. We're not even there yet and you already look like you're actively dying."

"What? Pff..." Y/N laughed and looked at her, ridiculed. "I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Right. That's why you got wasted and bawled your eyes out last night? Right."

Y/N's lips pursed into a line and she turned back to the window, choosing to ignore the other girl. They were already reaching the quieter part of the city. Figures. Bada never liked popularity, just what she loved doing - dancing. But then, people are unpredictable and change over time. I don't know her anymore.

The dull throb in her head made her groan and lean on the window. It also served as a reminder of her, most probably, embarrassing endeavor the night before. Most of which she could only remember now as mere flashes of lights and loud music. But the next time she woke up was to Noh Jihye's screams, nagging her out of bed and get ready for work.

The said work was the start of her feature about Lee Bada. It seemed like being an A-class egotistical idiot had finally caught up with her as she found herself in a haste. Shoving wrinkled up clothes and anything she laid her eyes on in an attempt to not get any later for the schedule. She should have really read the contract and not just signed her name on it for the sake of saving face.

It was only to her luck that her best friend, literally savior in life, Jihye, was part of the project that Lee Bada was participating in, which was apparently already starting that very day. At least she would not have to actually deal with her predicament alone.

"But seriously, Y/N..." The absence of the usual sarcasm in her friend's voice made Y/N turn back to her. "I know I tease you all the time, but even I, think this whole situation you're getting yourself into wouldn't be as peachy as you think."

"It's fine." Y/N shook her head. "I'm a grown woman. I shouldn't be scared of confrontations anymore."

Jihye gave her a glance and the few seconds of silence she got, made it clear that the other girl did not believe her. "Well... let's hope you're not saving face again, 'cause we're here."

The statement abruptly cut off Y/N's air flow and the choking sound that she let out earned her another questioning look from her friend. Life has really got a cruel way of making her own up to her lies, almost instantaneously.

"Miss Song!" The rather loud call made the two girls turn out the window and to a man, who Y/N had recognized as Mister Park, waving excitedly at them. Beside the man stood Lee Bada, who most simply, looked like she could have been somewhere better.

With a deep breath (as if it would magically make everything perfect), Y/n pushed the car door open and forced a smile on her lips. "Good morning!"

"Good to see you, Miss Song!" Mister Park gave her a smile and turned to Lee Bada, probably expecting her to say something. But the girl just rolled her eyes and turned, swiftly disappearing into the building without another word. The action made the manager scratch his chin in annoyance before giving Y/N a sheepish smile. "Sorry about that. She just hasn't had her coffee yet."

Y/N just smiled. I highly doubt that's all.

"E-erm, welcome to your new home for the next week." Mister Park walked towards her. "Let me help with your bags."

It was only then that y/n had the chance to fully take in everything. The apartment complex was massive, towering over everything and making her neck strain as she looked up. From the sparkly clean glass window panels, pristine white floors, and even the meticulously trimmed bushes and shrubs that surrounded the property. It was clear that not just anyone could afford to have a unit there.

"Yah, Song Y/N!" Jihye's loud call snapped her out of her thoughts.


"I'll get going now." The girl said as she slammed the car's trunk shut.

"W-wait! Aren't you gonna help me up my place?" Y/N uttered out, already feeling the dread of having to face all this alone.

"Jihye's brows rose. "Y/N, all you have is a suitcase and a bag. Besides, we have an earlier call time than Bada since she's the leader." She huffed as she walked towards the driver's side. "And aren't you a grown woman who isn't afraid of confrontations?" An infuriating grin was all that Jihye gave before the car revved and Y/N was left in a cloud of smoke.

"Well..." Mister Park spoke up as he wheeled the pastel purple suitcase towards Y/N. "I'd like to accompany you inside, but I'm running terribly late for an errand." He gave Y/N an apologetic look before also turning away and walking towards the parking lot.

That moment, Y/N knew that the best she could do was pray. Pray to all the beings out there that she survives this rather large obstacle in her life. Great. Just great.

The cold air of the complex lobby greeted her as the automatic doors opened before her. Her mouth was still slightly agape as the guard greeted her and all she was able to do was a small bow. Her apartment was nothing compared to this.

As her eyes explored the place, she soon found Lee Bada standing in the reception and talking to the lady, sometimes gesturing to where Y/N was standing, at least that's what Y/N assumed. So, with a sigh, she forced herself to walk toward them.

"She's a visitor. Please give her a spare key to my apartment." She heard Lee Bada say as she closed in on them.

"Of course, Miss." The lady behind the counter answered with a smile.

Lee Bada just nodded. For a brief moment, she looked surprised as she glanced to her side and saw Y/N already standing there. But it was quick to disappear as she turned away and once again without a word, walked away.

Y/N was still staring at Lee Bada's back when the receptionist cleared her throat. "Good morning, Miss."

"Good morning." Y/N smiled back.

"Welcome to Seaside Haven." The lady greeted and placed a thick book on the counter. On the front read "VISITORS LOGBOOK". "Please write your name and signature here." She flipped to a page before pointing to the space underneath where Lee Bada's name was written.

At least people here are nice.

Soon, Y/N found herself walking further into the building clutching her bags and the spare key that the receptionist had given her as she tried to locate the elevators. And it did not take long for her to do that as she soon recognized Lee Bada's tall stature standing in front of them.

However, the relief that she felt was quickly replaced by panic as she saw one of the elevator doors already sliding open. She soon found herself running across the hall. She would have just waited for the other lift for the sake of avoiding the other girl,  but the red flashing numbers that read '48' would have meant a really long time to wait. 

It was too early in the morning to put personal issues first.

"Hey, wait!" She called out and to her surprise, Lee Bada actually paused just as she was stepping into the lift.

For a moment, she genuinely believed that the girl would actually help her. But that hope was quick to turn into shock and then annoyance, as Lee Bada reached over and pressed what Y/N can assume, was the 'close' button as the doors were moving again. Y/N stopped in her tracks.

"Sorry, can't let you hold me back!" Lee Bada gave her a mocking wave as the steel doors finally closed shut.

Apparently, it was not too early in the morning for Lee Bada to put personal issues first.

Y/N bit her lips to stop herself from screaming out then and there. Her hand reached up and rubbed at her brow in frustration as she desperately tried to calm herself down. If frustration was fatal she was sure she would already be down under.

And may god give her strength because her job and day one out of seven haven't even started yet.


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