pale, as death.

28 3 14

it's currently brunch in our high school but istg that i feel insecure cause some teacher said i was so pale i look like a vampire and that i should stay in the sun more to look 'prettier'.

i mean, she isn't wrong.

i am pale, extremely, with really rosy cheeks that people think i'm blushing all the time-


one thing to lighten up the mood, i got a 100 % in an ap physics exam i thought i'll fail in despite . ( i've never gotten a bad grade so if i do i'm going to avada kedavra myself. )

plus, my friends and i are going to the park this weekend so that's something to look forward to-

also the drake equation has peeked my interest so much i'm intrigued.

also i'm going to learn about geosynchronous satellites right now so bye !

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