chapter 1

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Here is one cute boy sleeping without
Any worries about  this world cause he knows whatever happened his hubby will always slove it for him .

Here is one cute boy sleeping without Any worries about  this world cause he knows whatever happened his hubby will always slove it for him

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Then his hubby enter in there shared bed room to wake him up .

"Gd morning chim" then jimin started whining in his sleep "baby wake up freshen up then do breakfast nd take ur medicine" says yoongi

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"Gd morning chim" then jimin started whining in his sleep "baby wake up freshen up then do breakfast nd take ur medicine" says yoongi.

Finally jimin up from his sleep having a huge angry pout on his lips.

"Baby u can sleep after taking ur medicine"yoongi says.

Nd thats it jimin started crying.

"Yoon u don't love me any more u only love ur baby that's why u wake me up in the morning nd also u want me to take medicine because of ur baby right".jimin says dramatically.

Author pov:

Yoongi watch jimin's drama without saying anything cause he know how much his chim love doing drama , he is our yoongi's drama queen  nd the joy of his life nd very soon his joy going to be double cause there are excepting , yoongi is more than happy
After listening to the good news that his chim is pregnant nd he is going to be a dad soon .

Author pov:

So basically yoongi is an introvert person from his childhood nd he is the only child of his parents but in our jimin case he is totally opposite of yoongi an extrovert person jimin is known as the social butterfly of there school , u might be thinking why I'm bringing their school life right so the thing is that yoongi nd jimin used to be the high school darlings.there marriage is love marriage now they are married for 4 years. 

After 2 years of marriage they tried to have a baby but it didn't work for two years and finally after two years of hard work nd patients they got pregnant, yoongi working as captain in military nd jimin is a dance teacher.

Right now jimin is 4months pregnant , when jimin revealed this news to yoongi nd there familys that time yoongi was in duty nd after four month he got leave from his camp site to visit jimin . right now jimin is staying alone at there house nd they decided that after yoongi left to his camp site jimin will move to yoongi's parents house cause Mr nd Mrs park jimin's parents there are staying in abroad.

Let's see what's our cute couple are doing.

"Chim are u done with ur drama" yoongi says with a done face.

"Chim we both know that u need more care at this time u need ur medicine nd food on time "yoongi says nd started cuddling jimin.

"I know hubby but u know my mood swings "hide his face in yoongi's chest.

" I know baby nd I'm sry ok I will not wake u up early in the morning from now on  hnn now don't be sad hmm" yoongi says patting jimin's head.

Now suddenly jimin's mood change nd he sit on the bed.

"Hubby don't u think we play equal game "jimin says

"What do u mean " yoongi says being dump founded.

"I mean I wake u up whole night nd u wake me up whole day"jimin says.

"Whattt. Are u out of ur mind how can someone say double meaning things with a cute face chim"yoongi says.

"Why are u saying like this if someone well hear us they will think that ur are the bottom nd I'm the top"jimins say.

Yoongi just look at jimin with done face.

" Isn't it true that I wake u up whole night because of my craving for  black forest cake nd u wake me up in the morning cause I have to take my breakfast nd med on time". Jimin says with a sheepish smile.

Now yoongi try to change the topic.

"Ok I'm sry I forgot , now go fresh up  I will make  u ur fav breakfast, nd after that u can sleep  as much as u can"yoongi .

"But after sleeping for 2 hours u are  again going to wake me up I know u " jimin says with a pout .

Yoongi just smile nd says " ok I will give u cuddles now what's say".

Jimin smile nd say "promise "

Yoongi"promise ".


Hello everyone whats up did u see the graduation pics of tae,kook,joon nd jimin ,well Im very proud of our boys.

By the way we wrote this story two years back but original it's in straight version but because of lack of time we unable to post it nd I'm a bit fond of bl so we convert it into a bl , well don't get confuse because I am using we actually there are two author in this account nd right now we are working in three books so I'm going to write this book nd another two books going to handle by Rosali di

d I'm Lisa 😁.

So give us a lot love nd comment down  nd don't forget to like plz plz plz (puppy eyes)

Bye see u with the next chapter.stay safe


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