apology letter

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Hey I'm alive, i know I know most of u might forget me but I was a bit busy in my life nd I'm really very sorry that with out informing u all i just got vanished suddenly, actually what happened lent season started nd it's a holy period in my religion so I thought to make a distance from outer world nd after Easter I thought of update but then I got to know that  I have to continue my forther studies (yes guys now I'm no more useless I'm a student now)😅 so now after getting admission I'm pretty much busy with my studies but don't worry guys I started this story nd im gonna end it in limited period , I was thinking to drag this story but I guess with in 10 episode I will end it nd the next episode will be there in 2 to 3 days nd I'm really very sry I make u all wait , plz accept my apology

            Your lazy author (lisha🐼)

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