chapter 2

110 12 6

Time skip to kitchen

Here in kitchen yoongi is making breakfast for him nd jimin.

Here in kitchen yoongi is making breakfast for him nd jimin

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Then suddenly he hear someone is coming down stairs while stomping while having a huge pout on his face it's non other then our jimin. Yoongi got to know that jimin is angry because of morning incident nd also his mood swings are not helping him out .

Other side with jimin:
Im so anger with yoon but the time I came downstairs I see him cooking nd suddenly my mood change to normal it's not like he never cook he did cook for me before our marriage but now it's something really special cause with me our baby will also can feel the love of their father, I stare at him while creasing my baby bump.

"Yoon I'm so hungry"jimin said "it's done baby I was just adding saffron in ur milk"yoongi said .

And then they had there breakfast having little chitchat about there little baby.

Time skip to there bed room:

Time skip to there bed room:

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As per his promise yoongi is giving cuddles to his jimin while jimin is fast asleep, now days jimin feeling more nd more tired nd sleepy nd doctor even suggested him to take as much as rest as he can . yoongi never said anything to him when it's  come to sleep but he is really strict when it's come to jimin's diet chart .after some time yoongi wake up jimin cause he have to go outside for some work nd he can't go outside without telling jimin.

"Chim baby wake up alittle just listen me"yoongi says while shaking jimin a little. "hmm"jimin says with half closet eyes ."baby I'm going out nd maids are making lunch nd if u need any thing then call me or u can tell to our maid if it's not necessary don't go down"yoongi says "hmm"jimin just hmm .

Seeing jimin yoongi just chuckled cause he is so sleepy that he can't even open his eyes.

Time skip to lunch time:

Yoongi was still outside nd he checked the time nd it's already lunch time nd he knows if he well not go home now then jimin will remain sleepy nd before going home he didn't not forget to buy flowers for his beautiful wife.

Time skip in home:

Yoongi went to there room nd woke up jimin ,after getting up from his sleep jimin recived a beautiful boutique of white rose his favourite

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Yoongi went to there room nd woke
up jimin ,after getting up from his sleep jimin recived a beautiful boutique of white rose his favourite.

"Ohh 😯 white rose thank you hubby"jimin says "don't say thank u for u I can even bring the moon nd star it's nothing" yoongi says  "who says that I want moon nd star u know I love little nd beautiful things" jimin's says "I was just joking " yoongi says.

They stay silent for sometime then jimin break the silence.

"Hubby what if I become a star  up above in the sky ". Yoongi burst into laughter "baby are u learning twinkle twinkle little star rhyme but as per my knowledge u never forget it " "leave it I was just saying it casually " jimin says ."ok baby let's go down stairs it's time to feed ur tummy".

Time skip in dining table:

"Baby don't u think ur belly looking a bit huge compare to other  pregnant person"yoongi says "what do u mean by huge    are u calling   me nd my baby fat "jimin say"no baby who says u r fat u r just chubby nd looking beautiful" yoongi "u better be nd I'm also thinking the same it shouldn't be this much huge but my reports are saying everything is good " " by the way when are u having ur next appointment " "it's after a week"

I hope everyone is doing good I'm also fine it's just I'm feeling lazy to write so I'm updating now I hope u will enjoyed this episode don't forget to like nd comment ,don't be a silent readers .

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