chapter 6(flashback)

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:buzz buzz buzz(ringing sound of jimin's phone)

Jimin grone nd check the time nd pickup the phone

Jimin: why the hell u r calling me in the early morning tae.

Tae: chim u don't even wish me gd morning.

Jm: really after spoil my sleep u want me to wish you gd morning.

Tae: well well I'm not here to spoil ur mood honey I'm here to make it memorable.

Jm: he tae  alien I'm not ur kookie that u r flirting with me.

Tae: i know I know that u r not my kookie nd u can never be .

Jm: you

Tae: keep ur you to ur self nd let's get to the point so today we all are going to start practice so don't be late nd wear something cute so that after seeing u yoongi hyung will get faint.

Jm: oh my god tae thank you thank you so much for u today I will not get late(said while jumping on his bed)ok I'm hanging up now see u in college.

Otherside with yoongi:

On phone

Hobi:u had a gd sleep yoon?

Yg:yup hoba what about u ?

Hb: actually I was excited to meet my parents so I can't sleep properly.

Yg: oh so at what time you are going.

Hb: after an hour.

Yg: ok greet uncle nd aunty from my side .

Hb: sure bro , nd listen from today everyone going to start practicing for valentine's day so don't stay away from jimin nd try to start a conversation from ur side nd also ask him for a date ,it could be better if u propose him this time.

Yg: hoba u know it's not easy for me to open up,nd talk freely about my feelings, u r the only one who knows about my feelings toward jimin .

HB: see u still have time so do it fast before someone else propose him,good luck.

Yg: thank you hoba ,have a safe journey let me know when you reach there.

Hb: bye.

Yg: bye.

(So basically yg is madly in love with jimin but no one knows about it except hobi as hobi is his cousin, nd here suga is gathering his courage to propose jimin).

Time skip at college:

Jin:omg what a  miracle jimin u r early today anything special.(In a teasing tone).

Tae: ofcourse it's special for me after all today he is going to be touchy touchy with his crush yoongi hyung.

Jm:gd morning hyung nd u tae stop teasing me.

Jk:gd morning jiminshhi.

Jm:gd morning u brat.

Jin: ok guys I think u three should go to ur class I will wait for joon nd yoongi will also going to join us .

Tae: jimin let's go to canteen first kookie didn't had his breakfast .

Jm: well u guys go I will wait in classroom .

Jk: what happened to you jiminshhi.

Jm: kookie it's just I'm  anxious nd nervous so I need to clam my self first.

Tae: don't worry jimin nothing will happen  we are there for u , ok then u head of to the class we will join you shortly.


Jimin entered the class room nd he put earphones in so that he can't have conversation with anyone nd keep his mind cool

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Jimin entered the class room nd he put earphones in so that he can't have conversation with anyone nd keep his mind cool.

Time skip to practice room:

Teacher : hello everyone I'm going to  choreograph ur valentine's day performance so everybody stand in a row with ur partner.

(Everybody stand according to the teacher instruction but there is jimin stand alone without a partner, jimins friends started getting tensed for him after not  spoting yoongi there).

Jm pov : did he break his promise , did he left me without listening to my word (with teary eyed).

: may I come in sir ,sry sir I get late.

Teacher: it's fine who is ur partner.

: it's jimin sir .

(Jimin looked at that person nd started silently crying).

:sry jimin I got late , look at me why are u crying.

Jm: hyung ...yooni hyung I thought u left me u don't want me as ur partner.

Yg: stop assuming things by ur own jimin nd why should I left a person who can understand myself more then me . Now stop crying u r looking ugly .

(jimin hit yg in his chest playfully)

After practice they are sitting silently hearing each other heartbeat

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After practice they are sitting silently hearing each other heartbeat. It's not awkward not uncomfortable just two of them in there delusional world.

Well the flashback will take more 2 episode after that i will take the story to the track but I will take a break Im having my exams nd I have to travel from my state to another state but I will tell another author of this account to post , thank you for staying with this story.

Love you babies

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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