chapter 3

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Next day

Yoongi wake up from his sleep as it's his habit after working in military for several years, he started looking at jimin face nd started thinking how beautiful nd cute at the same time he is looking , there is only think  that comes to his mind right now that he can do anything to protect his jimin nd their unborn baby, after stairing at jimin's face for 15min yoongi decided to not to wake him up  at the same time he don't want to make jimin angry cause not gd for his health as he remembered last morning, with this thought he March towards to their bathroom .

Time skip to kitchen:

While making breakfast yoongi got a call from his parents that they are going to pay a visit to soon to be parents after listening to this news yoongi become more happy nd he knew that jimin will be more happy then him, after complet his work in kitchen he went to their shared bed room nd wake up jimin.

In there room:

Yg:gd morning my baby it's time to rise nd shine.

Jm:(shine a bit but wake up eventually) good morning hubby (smile widely with half closed eyes).

Yg:guess what I have a surprise for u.

Jm:(after listening about suprise jimin is wide wake up nd asked him being excited)what !! surprise u know I love surprise ,tell me tell me what suprise u will give me .

Yg: calm down clam down I don't understand how u will handle our baby (said while smiling a little)

Jm: I know u will be there for our baby if not u our parents will take care of our baby.

Yg: u know what jimin some time u said  without thinking, I know I will be there but not every time right nd more over they will need there mama not their papa or their grandparents
(Said while pinching jimin's botton nose)

Jm: (suddenly jimin hug yoongi nd said)do u know hubby  after two years of our marriage when we plan for having a baby when we tried but we got nothing I was so sad nd I was scared what if I'm not fertile (jimin spoke as his eyes got filled with tears) the thought of u leaving me forever or maybe not giving the happiness that u  deserve always ate me ,still there is a small hope left inside because of our distance if not this time then another time we will definitely got pregnant nd finally after 4 years of our marriage we are expecting .

Yg: love why u always think that there  is problem in u it might be my problem too.(he said while cupping jimin face nd wipes his tears).

Jm:( suddenly seeing yoongi sad jimin tried to change the topic)by the way hubby u r talking about my suprise , when u will give me my suprise (nd it works)

Yg: for that u have to fresh up  nd come downstairs.

Jm:ok but carry me I'm feeling lazy.

Yg: ok ur highness let me help u with ur morning routine.(yoongi took jimin to bathroom nd help him)

Time skip to dining table:

Jimin nd yoongi siting in the dining table means yoongi is sitting nd jimin is whining for his surprise,then suddenly they here their doorbell rang, yoongi went nd open the door.

Suddenly jimin  run towards  the guest after seeing them.

Yg: love calm down u might slip.

Jm:he he sry hubby it' s just I got so much excited after seeing mom nd dad is this my surprise.


Jm: then I love my surprise so much

(Jimin nd yg  greet the parents)

Ym: how are u jimin ,is this cat  taking a gd care  of u right.

Yf: nd how is my litty baby .

Jm: dad they are fine just doing gd .

Yg: seems like everyone forgets me .

Yf: it' s just the starting my son when the baby will come they will  literally going to forget u.( Yoongi pout while looking at his father)

Ym: stop it hun stop teasing him.

Yg: by the way are u going to stand here for whole day .

Jm:mom dad come inside.

Yg: come lets have breakfast together.

(Now everyone is set in dining table nd having their food).

Ym: it's seems like yesterday when u both got married nd see now we are going to become grand parents .

Yf: times flies so fast.

Yg: u are right dad we too can't believe that it's been 4 years of our marriage.

Ym: thank u jimin to come into my yoon's life I always thought who will marry a person like him but the day when he broke the news of u nd him being in relationship I was the happiest person alive on the earth.

Jm: Im happy mom that the feeling I was  having that time was mutually between us.

Yf: I always seen in movies that always a hero propose the heroine but in ur case the heroine propose the hero it's just a unique love story.

Ym:well I don't know about ur love story alot but this time I want to listen so that I can tell this to my grandchildren.
(Everybody laughs)

Hello everyone how are hope u all are doing good , well plz forgive my grammatical mistakes ,I was finding pictures but  the picture I got it doesn't fit for this chap , in next chapter we will know about yoonmin love story which I also don't  know 😅😅 if I will follow  the first  written story then this whole book will be finished in 3 to 4 chapter nd i want u all to get emotionally attach to this book nd I'm also trying my best so help me while giving me rate nd yeah don't be silent reader comment down , take care see u in next chapter love u all.

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