5 MORE life hacks:

1. Don't understand a Wikipedia page? Don't have time and/or energy to read it all? Go to the search bar and switch out the "en" in the url (the link) for "simple". You'll get a simplified, more understandable version of the Wikipedia page.

2. If you need to provide an email address to a company to sign up for something but you also never want to hear from them again, add "+spam" to your username. For example abcdefgh+spam@gmail.com . This will work like a real email but will also automatically send all messages from them to your spam folder.

3. If you accidentally close a tab, ctrl+shift+t reopens it.

4. When camping, use joke candles (the ones that can't get blown out) to start fires.

5. Use a banana peel to whiten your teeth.

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