Chapter 3

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Julie's POV

We sit there in the garage in silence. Luke, Alex, and Reggie are squished into Luke's couch and I'm sitting on the piano.

"When is she getting here," Reggie asked and I pointed to the door, "what do you mean?"

Right on cue Flynn walked in, "Jules you texted telling me to get here ASAHP so I'm here"

"What does ASAHP stand for?" Luke asked

I expected Flynn to answer and saw Luke staring at me waiting for my answer. I looked at him weird wondering what he was waiting for.

"Umm Jules? Hello?" He says

"Oh! Yeah! Sorry I was out of it there," I say

"Clearly," Reggie mumbles

"Shut up," Alex whispers to Reggie, "We're all stressed,"

I give Alex a thankful smile and answer Luke, "It stands for as fast as humanly possible."

"The guys are here?" Flynn asks, "Hi!!"

She waves in the direction they were sitting in and I ask surprised, "You can see them?"

"No but I knew they were over there I can sense it if that makes sense," She says shrugging her shoulders

"It kind of does but that means you can't see them," I say standing up and pacing the room

"I thought the runway was my thing," Alex whispers to Luke

"Yeah," Luke whispers as he watches. He looked so concerned for me but I obviously didn't notice.

"She must be really stressed," Reggie whispers

Luke walks over to me and puts his arms on my shoulder which startled me. But I soon relaxed and just stood there him rubbing my shoulders as I thought when Flynn suddenly gasped.

"What the heck!" She exclaimed

"What is it Flynn", I asked concerned

"It's Luke," She said pointing to him

"You can see him?!" I asked surprised and looked up at him confused, "How?"

"I think it's when he touched you," Alex said

"Yep that's what I was thinking," Reggie smiled proudly while Alex rolled his eyes

"Wait Luke let go of me for a sec," I asked and he did, "Can you still see him?"

"Yeah but he's like fading out," Flynn said, "Yep now he's gone,"

I looked at Luke and he seemed deep in thought.

"Wait hold my hand we need to confirm this," I said to him holding my hand out

"Wha- Huh uh okay," He said taking my hand

I looked at Flynn, "Can you see him now?"

"Yeah," She said then saw my hands entwined with Luke's and smirked before saying, "Awww,"

I quickly let go of Luke's hand blushing and walking over and punching her arm, "Oww!"

"Let's go we have homework to do," I told her dragging her out waving to the guys on the way, "Bye!!"

"Bye Julie," they said in unison

As soon as the garage door closed I glared at Flynn, "I hate you,"

"What did I do," Flynn said innocently

"Ugh now Luke might hate me," I said to her opening the house door

"Jules he calls you Jules no way this guy isn't already head over heels for you," She said

"Whatever but seriously could you see them?" I asked her walking upstairs to my room her right behind me

"Yeah but I don't know when you and Luke were holding hands oozing chemistry," Flynn said and we both had a disgusted look and laugh, "Yep never saying ooze again I could kind of see Reggie sitting on the couch,"

"Ooh maybe you and Reggie are bound to happen," I joked

"Shut up," she said playfully pushing my arm as we walked into my room to start our homework for the day. Flynn ended up sleeping over and we talked and gossiped all night that was the best night we were gonna have for a while.

~Question of the day: What's your favorite scene from JATP?
<3 LilE
Word count: 644

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