17. A Funny Smell

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"Do we have a baby yet?" Cana asked, not even bothering to knock or say hello as she came through our front door.

"It's only been a couple of months since we started tryin'," I told her, grumbling as she sat on the other side of Levy, wrapping her arms around her.

"That's plenty of time," she pouted. "I'm so ready for a little girl. I bet she'll look just like Levy."

Levy giggled. "We'll be sure to let you know as soon as I get pregnant, alright?"

Cana smirked, getting to her feet. "Well, with all of these nice little weekends you two have been getting, there'd better be one soon!" Since Waylen's return, Karyn had practically been glued to his side, hardly ever leaving him. This meant a lot of sleepovers at Cana and Laxus's house, and some alone for Levy and I.

"Well, I need to get going," she sighed. "I just wanted to come over and drop off Waylen. He and Karyn were outside saying goodbye. I'll see you two later!"

After she left, Waylen came inside, grumbling under his breath.

"What's wrong, kiddo?"

His cheeks turned a light shade of pink and he shook his head. "Nothing."

I raised an eyebrow and looked at Levy, to which she responded with a shrug. "Well," I said, looking back at Waylen, "since you're home, how about we do a little bit of training with your new sword?"

He instantly perked up, his tail swishing excitedly behind him. "Really?"

"As long as it's okay with your mom," I grinned.

Levy nodded, getting off the sofa and pulling him into a tight hug. "Just be careful, alright?"

"Promise," he told her, smiling brightly.

"Use the dull swords," she told me as I followed Waylen out the door.

"Don't worry, Shrimp. We'll be back in no time."


I chuckled, watching my two favorite boys head outside. Since everything had ended with Lucifer and his followers, things had begun to get back to normal. Waylen was enjoying school again, and he had even made a few new friends-Karyn gave them a pretty thorough interrogation beforehand-but I was glad he seemed happy. And Gajeel seemed in just as high spirits. He had been training Waylen with a sword when I wasn't helping him with his new demon abilities, and work with Mavis kept him busy.

An hour later, I began cooking dinner, knowing the two would be famished when they got home. As the smell of curry filled the kitchen, I heard the front door open.

"Welcome back!" I called. "How was training?"

"Great!" Waylen beamed, running into the room. "Dad taught me-"

"What happened to your face?!" I gasped, grabbing his face and examining it closely. He had a small gash on his forehead, and his left eye was beginning to swell and turn purple. Releasing Waylen, I turned my attention to Gajeel, fixing him with a glare that made him take a step back. "What did you do to Waylen's face?"

"I was teaching him how to dodge," he began, holding up his hands in surrender as I continued glaring, "and he slipped while turning out of the way. He sorta...fell right into my fist."

"It was awesome!" Waylen exclaimed, still beaming. "I rolled all the way across the clearing, and crashed this huge tree!"

"You what?!" I turned back to Waylen, gaping.

"The kid bounced right back up though," Gajeel chuckled. "Besides, you can't expect him to do all this training and not get beat up a little."

I groaned in defeat when Waylen laughed and went on about how cool it was, and how good he was getting with a sword.

"Buck up, Lev," Gajeel told me, draping his arm over my shoulders and pulling me into his side. "He's having fun, ain't he?"

"I guess," I sighed, shaking my head. "You still need to be more careful. Even though it's training, go easy on him."

"I was," he frowned.

"You punched him across the clearing."

"It was a small clearing," he chuckled.

"You're ridiculous," I grinned.

"But you love it," he said, leaning down to kiss me.

"The curry's burning," Waylen announced, interrupting us.

"Shit!" I turned the stove off, stirring the curry. "It's not too bad," I said, grateful. "Now, you two go get cleaned up. You smell terrible, and I'm not about to eat dinner with two stinky men."

"You were just kissing one of those stinky men," Waylen snickered, taking off towards the bathroom as Gajeel chased him.

"What am I going to do with those two?" I murmured, giggling. I had to admit, the lively house had been nice. And it'll get even better when we have another child.

"Look!" Waylen said, returning to the kitchen a few minutes later, "my eye is almost healed already!"

"That's good," I smiled. "Karyn probably would have come over here and killed Gajeeltomorrow if you went to school with a black eye."

Gajeel shivered. "If she's anything like her mom, I pray to Mavis I never get on her bad side."

"Karyn's actually really nice," Waylen said, quietly. "And she can be sweet sometimes, too."

"Someone's got it bad," Gajeel snickered.

"I-I do not!" He snapped, shoving a spoonful of rice into his mouth.

I smiled at Gajeel, telling him not to tease Waylen. Something told me Cana and I would be in-laws in the future, but I'd keep that to myself. They'll figure it out themselves.

"That was great, Lev," Gajeel smiled, kissing me before cleaning off the table. "After I get the dishes done, how about a movie?"

"I get to pick!" Waylen shouted, running into the living room.

"That's a yes," I nodded.

As we all snuggled onto the sofa, Waylen leaned against me, pressing his nose to my skin and inhaling.

"What?" I asked when he frowned.

"You smell kinda funny," he said.

I lifted my arm and smelled it. "I smell normal to me."

"I don't think t's exactly you," he said, looking up at me. "It's like two separate smells. Yours and something else."

"Something else?" Gajeel asked.

Understanding suddenly settled over his features, and a smile lit up his face. "Or someone else!"

I looked at Gajeel. "You don't think...?"

"Only one way to find out," he shrugged.

Two minutes later, I sat on the sofa between the two of them, staring intently down at the little white stick in my hands. Thirty seconds left.

"I hope it's a girl," Waylen said. "It would be fun to have a little sister. And then the twins will have someone to play with, too."

"That would be nice, wouldn't it?" I smiled.

"Time's up," Gajeel said, sounding almost nervous.

I turned the pregnancy test over, staring at the little plus sign on the screen.

"Well?" Both Gajeel and Waylen asked.

I beamed at them, laughing giddily. "I'm pregnant!"

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