"I wish we didn't have to leave already."
"Same" Pedri sighs while playing with my hair.
"What if we run away and don't go back?"
"Val!" he laughs.
"Yeah, you will miss Gavi and Ferran too much."
"And you will also miss your kids way too much" he says, kissing my head.
"Not really. I have my favourite one with me" I say, hugging him tighter.
"And you say you don't do cheesy" he chuckles.
"That isn't cheesy."
"I beg to differ" Pedri smiles, back to running his fingers through my hair.
"Can I confess something?"
"You love it when I'm cheesy."
"No" I reply. "Well, maybe a bit. When it is more cute than cheesy. But that isn't what I wanted to confess."
"Then what is it?"
"I've never liked it when people touch my hair. Until you."
"What?" he laughs.
"I'm serious. The only person who was allowed to touch my hair was my hairdresser. And now look at me, looking forward to moments like this, to us cuddling and you touching my hair and running your fingers through it while I just relax and enjoy the moment."
"You have the softest hair ever. And it always smells so good..."
"It probably smells like shit right now" I laugh. "I haven't washed it since we arrived."
"It smells salty. Like the sea. I like that smell."
"You are so weird sometimes" I laugh again.
"But you love it."
"I do" I smile. "And I love this. Us in this place. Can we come back this summer?"
"Sure. But I was thinking about taking you somewhere else."
"Where?" I ask, moving to look at him. "Dubai? Mykonos? Ibiza? No, wait. Miami? That seems to be the new place where all the football players go."
"Are we that predictable?"
"Shit" Pedri laughs. "But are you sure you don't want to go to Ibiza? To that place called Ushuaia?"
"Wait, what?"
"Oh, so now Ibiza isn't that bad, is it?" he smirks.
"Are you being serious?"
"Isn't there where Martin Garrix has a residency or something?"
"Yes, something like that. I've been wanting to go for ages, but no one has ever wanted to come with me."
"Not even Marc?"
"Marc?" I snort. "I asked him to go many times because his family spends the summer in Formentera, and he always said no despite knowing Martin is my favourite artist. But then I had to go listen to the boring ones he likes."
"Such a supportive boyfriend..."
"I know. We never did anything I like, you know? He didn't like football either, but the friends we have in common do and we forced him to watch it."
"Then what did you have in common?" Pedri laughs. "Because the sex wasn't good" he smirks.
"But that's something I know now" I say, sticking out my tongue. "He was the only thing I knew, like, my whole world. I couldn't see that there was more out there, more beyond him. And now that I do, I want to make the most of it."

In The Name of Love
FanfictionSummary: The plan that night was just to have fun and try to forget. And Valeria (or Val as everyone calls her) did forget. But what she didn't expect, was to do it with someone younger than her. Someone who also happened to be a football player, an...