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"Pedri, are you ok?" Eric laughs.

"Better than ever."

"Then why can't you stop moving?"

"I'm just excited about going out and play" Pedri says. "First game of the season, you know?"

"Yeah, first game of the season" Gavi snorts.

"Umm... what did I miss?" Eric asks.

"Nothing" Pedri says.

"Everything" Gavi laughs.

"You two aren't making any sense."

"Wait until we are outside" Gavi says before walking into the pitch for their warm-up, Pedri behind him.

"Outside?" Eric says to himself, following them.

As they leave the tunnel, Pedri turns to look to his left, a big smile on his face when he waves at someone on the stands.

"Bro, move" one of their teammates says after bumping into Eric, who had stopped walking and was blocking the entrance.

"Sorry, sorry" he says, his eyes still fixed on the stands, on the person Pedri had waved to, the one smiling at the pitch while her eyes follow him as he runs and jumps around: Val.

"Ouch!" Pedri complains when Eric hits the back of his head. "Why did you do that?"

"Val is here."

"I know" he smiles.

"Are you guys back together?"

"We are."

"And why did you tell Gavi and not me? I thought we were friends!"

"And we are. But he came to visit me unannounced the other day, Val was with me, and..." Pedri shrugs.

"Does anyone else know? Ferran?" Eric asks him.

"Only her friend Silvia because she was present when we made up."

"Present? How?"

"It's a long story, I'll tell you later. But no one else knows. We've wanted to keep it for ourselves for a while."

"After today it won't be like that anymore."

"We know. But we are ready for it. This time we truly are" he says, looking at her.


"He is going to score. I can feel it" Marina says.

"Are you sure that that thing you are feeling isn't all the popcorn you've eaten?" I chuckle.

"You are so not funny, Val" she replies, rolling her eyes. "But I had missed it."

"Feeling full because you ate too many popcorn?"

"Your mean comments" she says, hitting my arm. "You say these things when you are happy. And you are very happy, aren't you?"

"Very" I smile.

"So very happy that we are back to sitting front row with the other wags!"

"And you are loving it."

"So much" Marina grins. "Oh, corner! This is his chance."

As she says that, the ball gets to Pedri and...

"Goal!" Marina and I scream, getting up from our seats and hugging.

"I told you! I freaking told you!"

"You did, yes" I laugh.

"Val!" I hear someone call from the pitch. "Val!"

"What?" I say, letting go of Marina and turning around.

"Val! Val, that was for you!" Pedri yells. "I love you!" he says before doing my celebration, the one he hadn't done in months.

"I love you too" I smile, feeling my cheeks on fire and the eyes of everyone on me, some definitely taking photos and videos. But I don't care anymore. "Now go back to the game and lose it."

"So mean, Valeria!" he laughs before joining his teammates, most of them teasing him about what he just did.


"Thank you for losing."

"You are not welcome" Pedri replies while hugging me.

"Rude" I laugh.

"As if you weren't loving it."

"Just a bit" I reply, wrapping my arms around his neck. We are alone in the middle of the Camp Nou, only a few staff members who are working on the pitch or cleaning around the stands making us company.

"But it was worth it. Because now the whole world knows that I love you and that I'm not afraid of saying it."

"We aren't afraid of saying it" I correct him.

"Exactly. They aren't going to hurt us, because we are stronger than ever."

"And it's all in the name of love" I sing.

"We should make that our song."

"It is our song."

"Since when?" he laughs.

"Since I ended up with no voice after singing it in Ibiza that night."

"You mean the night that we said I love you for the first time" he smiles.

"The very same, yes."

"Sing it again."


"Sing it again."


"Why not?" Pedri shrugs.

"You are crazy" I laugh.

"For you? Yeah. Completely bonkers. But c'mon, Val. I wanna testify..."


"Scream in the holy light..."


"You bring me back to life..."

"And it's all in the name of love" I sing.

"I didn't hear you, Val" he says with a teasing smile.

"And it's all in the name of love" I sing a bit louder.

"Nope, nothing. C'mon, Val. It's just you and I. You bring me back to life..." he sings.

"And it's all in the name of love!"


"In the name of love, name of love! In the name of..."

"Love" Pedri says before kissing me. A kiss that, a few minutes later, ends up being everywhere because someone has seen us and taken a photo. But we don't care about those things anymore, about what people think or say.

We just care about us, about our love. One that isn't going anywhere whether they like it or not.

Because this love is one of the special ones, one of those that happens once in a lifetime, one of those you think only happens in romance books and movies. One that is forever.

━━━━❃━━━━ FIN ━━━━❃━━━━

Author's note: And we've made it to the end! 😞 Thank you very much to everyone who has read this story and for all your votes and comments, they mean a lot! 💜 Especially when I'm writing for someone new and I don't know how people will react 😅 Hope you've liked this chapter and the story as a whole, and again, thank you very much for the support! Hopefully there will be more Pedri in the future 😁🫶🏻

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