"Finally, Valeria! I haven't seen you since last year!"
"You are so dramatic, Pedro" I laugh, trying to close my apartment's door while he wraps his arms around me.
"But it is actually true. I hate Christmas."
"No, you don't."
"I do. Because I don't get to see you for like two weeks. And I'm needy, Val. So needy" he pouts. "Didn't you miss me?"
"Not really. I had you with me."
"Because you carry me in your heart? That's so cute, Val. See how you can do cheesy too?"
"What? You have said it all!" I laugh again. "But that's now what I meant. I mean, I do, but no."
"You aren't making any sense" Pedri says with a confused look.
"Look behind you."
"Just turn around" I say.
"What... Holy shit. Is that... is that me?"
"Yep. A life size cardboard cutout of my favourite photo from your shirtless photoshoot."
"Did you get it for yourself as a Christmas present?" he chuckles.
"Oh, no. This was your besties and your brother's Christmas present. And the last one they will ever give because I'm fucking murdering them the moment I see them."
"Your brother managed to convince Marina to give him the address of my grandparents' house and they sent it there."
"No!" Pedri says, his eyes wide.
"Yep. And that cardboard wasn't the only thing they sent me. There also was a box with a blanket, a mug, a phone case and a pillow with that photo on all of them."
"Really?" he chuckles.
"Yes, really. And it isn't funny, Pedri. Did you know about this?"
"What? No! I had no idea, I swear."
"Are you sure? Because it is a bit of a coincidence that I joked with you about getting a pillow with your face on it, and they gifted me one" I say, crossing my arms over my chest.
"I wasn't part of it. I promise you, Val. But maybe..."
"Maybe what?"
"Maybe when Fer asked me about your reaction to the magazine, I told him about the pillow. But it was a random comment, nothing else! I had no idea they would do... that" he says, nodding towards his cardboard self.
"Well, thanks to your comment, next week we are having lunch with my mum."
"Wait what? She knows? How?"
"I had to tell her."
"Holy shit, Val. That's... that's..."
"I know" I sigh. "Why don't we sit down and I tell you everything?"
"That actually sounds like a great idea" he says, letting himself fall on the sofa.
"Ok..." I say, taking a deep breath. "Everything started with my uncle during our Christmas Eve dinner..."
"So, Val. Are you moving to Manchester too?" my uncle asks.
"Why would I do that?"
"Ferran is now going to play for Manchester United, isn't he? Though isn't that a bit weird since he already played for City?"

In The Name of Love
FanfictionSummary: The plan that night was just to have fun and try to forget. And Valeria (or Val as everyone calls her) did forget. But what she didn't expect, was to do it with someone younger than her. Someone who also happened to be a football player, an...