Chapter 28

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Author's note: Before you read this chapter, you need a bit of context, because most of you probably aren't from Spain 😅 On this chapter Pedri goes to a Spanish talk show called "La Resistencia", and it is like the most unserious talk show ever. Keep that in mind all the time. There is a main host (Broncano), and then two other who just add random comments from time to time. At the end of the interviews they always ask their guests two questions: how much money do they have on their bank account, and how often have they had sex during the last month, and that's what happens here 😁


Just finished my interview in La resistencia

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Just finished my interview in La resistencia

How did it go?

It was fun

But I'm sorry


Sorry about what?

You know about the questions, right?


I'm not allowed to say anything about the money, but the other one...


What the fuck did you say?



Maybe that I'm not single. Among other things 🙈

Other things? What things?

You have to watch it

I'm fucking murdering you

That's what I'm doing

You won't, you love me 🤍

Yeah 🙄



"Ok, now you know what I have to ask you."

"The questions..." Pedri says.

"The questions. So, let's start with the easy one. How much money do you have on your bank account?" Broncano asks him.

"That's the easy one?" Pedri chuckles.

"C'mon, don't try to distract me. How much?"

"I'm not allowed to tell you, I'm sorry."


"I can't" Pedri insists. "The club has a new clause that doesn't allow us to tell you how much money we earn. It's called the Broncano clause."

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