Chapter 25

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"You know, instead of just laying there looking pretty, you could help me with all these clothes."

"Being this pretty is a really hard job, Val. And if I helped you, you would definitely end up telling me that I'm doing everything wrong and doing it all by yourself" Pedri shrugs.


"Hey! I am injured, remember? There is no need to be violent. Poor Minnie" he says, cuddling the stuffed toy I've thrown at him.

"Yes, you are injured in the head."

"Love you too, Val" he says with a stupid smile. "Why do you still have these around your room, tho? Aren't they for kids?" he smirks.

"I work with kids and I'm dating one. I need them to understand you better" I reply, sticking out my tongue.

"This Minnie has seen better days. How old is she?"

"My aunt bought it for me when I was born."

"Really? She looks like... 50. And you know you aren't older than 25."

"You are such an idiot" I say, rolling my eyes. "If Minnie looks old that's because she never left my side. I slept with her, played with her..."

"Attacked people with her..."

"She was my favourite toy as a kid and has great sentimental value."

"Val, hey. Are you ok?" Pedri says, getting up from the bed. "What is it?"

"Nothing" I say, looking away.

"Then why are you crying? Val" he says, cupping my face and making me look at him. "What is it?"

"Nothing, I just... Talking about Minnie reminded me of my aunt, the one who got her for me as a baby. She... She passed away a few years ago."

"And here I was making stupid jokes. I'm so sorry, Val. You aren't wrong when you call me an idiot."

"You didn't know" I shrug. "And they aren't sad tears. At least not all of them. You've also reminded me of good times, like when she would play with me and mimic Minnie's voice. She was really good at it."

"Was she?"

"Yeah. Or that's the memory I have" I smile. "She was Marina's age when I was born, so she saw me as a little sister more than as a niece. She got me that Minnie because she always wanted to go to Disneyland Paris but never could because her siblings told her they were too old for it, and with me she had an excuse to do it."

"Did you go?" Pedri asks, wiping away one of my tears.

"No, we didn't manage to. When I was old enough to understand what was going on she was at uni and then she moved abroad. She would only come back for Christmas and the summer holidays, which aren't the best moments to go to a place like Disney. Then I got busy with my own life, she got sick, and... well" I shrug.

"Do you still want to go?"

"I would love to, but no one wants to go with me. Marc said it was just for kids" I scoff.

"Well, lucky you, you are dating a kid who has never been to Disneyland."


"We didn't have the money when I was younger. And now that I have it, no one cares anymore" Pedri shrugs.

"But a place like Disney... People may recognise you."

"I'll wear a wig if necessary. Anything to make you smile again" he says, caressing my cheek.

"You seriously are the cutest human being I've ever met."

"I know" he smirks. "And because I am the cutest, I'm gonna stop distracting you with my beauty and go make us a snack."

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