PART ONE Pages 73-79

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    The remainder of December flew by, mostly because the Winter Formal has already happened. However, for me, I had a consistency in one thing. That is the Poetry Club. What makes it even better, is that I convinced Sweet Sony to join, although she seems to be disinterested. Lately, I’ve had this feeling that when I enter the classroom where it’s hosted at 2:15 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I am being watched by my fellow peers. It could be that there’s a nasty rumor about me that they’re gossiping about. But that’s more unlikely, since they always treat me so kindly and have excited looks on their faces whenever I walk in.

Today, I finally found out why. I was more than surprised by the answer.

“Good evening, Meow Mare.” Sweet Sony greets me with a friendly smile.

“Hey, Sweet Sony,” I replied. I consider if I should bother to ask her, but then Carissa, the president of the Poetry Club, commences the session.

“Welcome, everyone. I would like you all to know that we appreciate you. Even though we have only seven members, we are all in this together. With that said, poetry is always a way for us to express ourselves, and more importantly, find an outlet for each and every one of our emotions. Now, in the previous weeks, we have covered limericks and odes. This week we will focus on sonnets, which I’m sure many of you are familiar with.”

We all nod our heads in agreement.

“Okay, great! So, the assignment for today is for each of us to write a sonnet, based on the guidelines in the packet on each desk. However, if any of you already have one written, I will evaluate it and decide whether you should create a new one. Everyone understand?”

Again, we all move our heads in agreement. She had just answered an unaired question. She really does fit her title.

Nonetheless, one boy raised his hand. He was always coming up with more questions, and I had to wonder if he was doing it on purpose or just liked hearing Carissa talk.

“Yes, Josh?” Carissa addressed him through what looked like clenched teeth. I seriously don’t blame her, but still, she should have seen it coming.

“I just need to know if we should write a Petrarchan sonnet, or a Shakespearean?” All the rest of us roll our eyes at his obvious question.

“Either one, Josh. Just read your packet if you have any further inquiries.” she says with what I think is an exasperated sigh.

    After that, we all settle down to our own individual works. Surprisingly, Josh does not disrupt the quiet flow of peace and work ethic. Who knows? Maybe he can’t come up with any more questions. Well, that’s fine with me; it gives me more thinking space. Not that that’s a good thing, since my mind starts wandering to the occurrences of these past weeks. Katara and I have basically ignored each other, even though we’re Turn-and-Talk partners in English class. My heart kind of aches to know that this dire situation has been dragging on for so long.

    At least I still have Noah, but ever since he told me about the disagreement with his parents, I’ve been concerned about him. He seems more withdrawn than normal, and it just makes me want to neglect myself and give him my full attention. I know that sounds a bit foolish, but right now, I’m okay. I don’t have as many problems as I used to. And, as for Kat Kar, I’ve been praying for her nonstop, and I know my God will make a way, somehow.

     I just hope I don’t have to deal with any heartbreak in terms of my relationship with Noah. If I’m being upfront, he also hasn’t been the kindhearted person I fell head over heels for. He’s more short tempered, and quick to get upset with me for the simplest things. Like for example, yesterday at lunch, he was angry with me for being three minutes late, even after I explained I had been doing a task for a teacher. Sometimes, at night, I dream that he turns into this abusive monster, quite in resemblance to Carden. In fact, I’ve been getting nightmares of this sort for the past two weeks. I can never tell him, though, since lately, he has a bold red label of ‘unpredictability’.

Soon I’m drawn out of the dry desert of my mind by Carissa’s kind but serious voice.

“Have you finished your sonnet yet, Marisa? Or do you already have one prepared?”

“Well, not exactly. . .” I notice Sonia waving frantically at me. She’s pointing at some words on a page. Then I remember, “Actually, I wrote one about a month ago. It’s titled ‘Truth In Trust’.”

“Sounds quite intriguing.”

“Thanks, Carissa. I was just working on something to get to sleep.”

“Well, I have an offer for you. I think you’re the perfect person for the position I have in mind.” she concludes after reading my poetic work.

“Really? What is it?” I say as I put the printed paper back in its folder. But just then, I see that she’s already back at the front of the classroom.

“Everyone, please pause for a few minutes. I have an announcement to make. As some of you may be aware of, there was a sign up sheet in the hallway for the new president of the Poetry Club. Sadly, I will be moving soon to Medford, Oregon. So, I have decided that the best nominee so far is. . .”

We all scooch to the edge of our desk chairs in anticipation of her next words. Even Josh kept quiet!

“. . . Marisa! Congratulations, and I sincerely hope you’ll accept the position as president immediately. I have a book that you can refer to if you ever get lost. Two, in fact. One on leadership and the other on poetry.”

    I can’t completely comprehend what just happened. For her to say what she did, it must mean she has a high opinion of me. I honestly had no idea whatsoever! I mean, I try my best, but so does everyone else. You’d think she’d choose someone like Josh, who’s so curious, or even Katie, the one with the biggest brain.

“Wow!! I am definitely surprised, as well as honoured to be the new president. I promise to put in every bit of effort that exists within me!”

With that, the whole group breaks into rapturous applause. I feel a rush of adrenaline enter my cheeks, and I can’t wait to tell Noah the news! He has to be happy about something like this, right? He knows how much I love the Poetry Club, or poetry in general!! Outside of my mother, he has always been my best supporter.

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