PART TWO Pages 188-195

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Finally, I get to speak with Noah, the love of my life!

The phone dials and dials and rings and rings till I think I’m going to grow old from waiting for a pick-up. Is Quiver Boy trying to avoid me?

“Hello?” I had gotten a new phone and number, so it made sense that he doesn’t know it’s me.

“Noah”,  I didn’t have the strength to call him by his nickname, “it’s me, Marisa. I know we haven’t talked in a while, but I really miss you.”

For a few moments, he does not release any words from his mouth. Then. . .

“Well, to tell you the truth, I am so glad you called. I have missed you so, Marisa. You really don’t know the half of it.”

The pounding in my heart ceases as these precious words come over the phone.

“Wait one second, Quiver Boy; I’m going to call you back on a video call.”


I smile into the camera like the awkward geek I am, and his lips stretch slowly to smile back.

“You’re so beautiful, Queen of Calm. Do you know that?” He professes it so gently that I feel to pass out.

“I guess I do now.”

He sighs, then says, “I often wish time would quicken for the sake of our relationship.”

Was he trying to subtly say he wants to kiss me?

“Uhhh. . . Yeah, me too.” Suddenly, the thought of actually sharing a kiss with him if we ever get married makes me nervous and causes knots in my heart. “Anyway,” I continued, “something interesting happened today.”

“Oh, yeah? What is it?”

“When I went to Chi He Chi, a Chinese restaurant nearby, ‘cause I was extremely hungry, I saw this girl crying. And, by the way, she is gorgeous!”

“Okay. So do you know why she was in that situation?”

“Sadly, no, as I never found out. But guess what? There was this guy in a group of raucous boys-”

“How raucous?”

“It doesn’t matter. Well, some guy did bump into me a bit hard, but-” I stop myself short because I notice Noah’s cheeks filling with rage.

“You sure you wouldn’t prefer to talk about something else?” I make myself say. To be honest, I wanted to let out what took place earlier tonight.

“No, no, it’s totally fine. I can tell this is something important.”

Wow. He knows me so well.

“Yeah, it is. I know it’s silly, but I want to help that girl. She seemed so lost when I first saw her.”

“It’s not at all silly. You’re probably just overthinking things.”

“Yeah, that’s true. I understand maybe that’s why I need you. So much.”

A silence passes over us, and we enjoy just staring into each others’ eyes. I am honestly so in love.

“Now that I think about it, though, what you said is quite funny in how coincidental it is.”

“Yeah? Which part of it?”

“When you mentioned some guy bumping into you, it reminds of this guy I used to know called Borden.”

“Okay. . . but why?”

“Let’s just say he does what he wants, when he wants. Basically, he lives by his own rules, and usually doesn’t have any concern for others. At least, that is what I observed over the course of our brief relationship.”

“Huh. Any more history on him? I may be spending several months with him in school at BH.”

“Well, he once dated Keisha, but he has a bit of a reputation for being a heartbreaker. That being said, at the time, Keisha and I were close friends, and so I warned her. But her being headstrong, he ended up cheating on her with a girl named Sarah, which led to her heart being broken - no surprise there - and we grew even closer, eventually becoming a couple.”

For some reason, I had only one question in my mind.

“So, when you guys were together, did you ever kiss her?”

“Well, yeah. As you can probably tell, she isn’t the most Christian of Christians. And, I must admit, I’m not either. So, it wasn’t really a big deal whenever we kissed. But, I promise, when the time is right, I will kiss you all day long.”

His face turns beet red as soon as he finishes that sentence.

“Okay, sounds good.” I say as calmly as possible. Inside, my body was twisting inside out. “There’s another strange thing, still, though, Noah.”

He looks at me intently, waiting. 

“When I tried to set up Justin - that’s the guy’s name - and Margot, the girl who had been crying, as friends, they just acted like enemies who didn’t really want to be enemies. So essentially they gave each other the cold shoulder, but only because whatever hurt is between them is too deep to mend. It’s really sad, to be honest with you.”

“Well, I’m sure we’ll figure something out.”


“Well, I want you to know that distance won’t separate us. At least, not in the sense of support. I am with you every step of the way. So, please, no matter what it is, feel free to talk to me.”

After a pause, he added, “That’s what future boyfriends are for, right?”

“Totally, Quiver Boy.” I grin at his very becoming maturity.

“Well, Queen of Calm, you’re looking a little tired, so I think it’s time to call it a night. Do you agree?”

“Yeah.” I yawn in response.

“See? Anyway, I really appreciate having you in my life. Later.”

But before he hung up the phone, I rushed to ask him something.

“Noah, wait! Did you mean what you said that time on the phone? About how you love me?”

“Yeah, I did. I genuinely did.”

“Okay, thanks for being truthful. And just for the record, I love you too. ‘Night!”

“‘Night, Marisa!”

I could no longer contain my ecstatic excitement. Noah loves me! I believe him, and sincerely hope nothing comes between us for the rest of this year. Or ever, really, for that matter.

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