PART ONE Pages 84-87

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I enter Littel's Pizza Shoppe, take a seat, and get out my school books to start studying. After a while, I'm aware of hunger eating at the walls of my stomach, so I order a personal pan plain pizza. Eventually, I grow bored and decide to take in my surroundings. That's when I notice Katara a couple tables away. What was she doing here? Oh, wait, this place is a popular hangout spot.

What's even more, though, is that as soon as she sees me, she hurries over to where I am. Is she not mad at me anymore? Has she finally forgiven me? Are we going to make up and be friends again? A million questions run through my hopeful yet wary mind.

"Hi Marisa" she says in a shy voice, which is very much unlike her.

"Um, hi Katara. How are you?" I say, sounding as if I'm dumber than a brainless donkey.

"I've actually been good. At least, recently" This news surprises me.

"So have I" I lie.

"To be honest"- "Well, actually" we say at the same time.

"You go first," I tell her.

"The truth is, my situation with Carden got pretty bad, to the point where I ended up in the hospital for almost two weeks."

Come to think of it, Kat Kar had been absent for several English classes.

"But, I wanted to say that I'm really sorry and you were definitely right. I just wish that I had listened sooner. My mom forced me to break up with him, but I was gonna do that anyway" she informs me.

"Wow, thank you so much. But I think I should apologize for being so distant after a while. I wasn't there when you needed me most."

"Trust me, you don't owe me anything. . . Meow Mare" she replies hesitantly.

"If you say so, Kat Kar" Things are finally back to normal. "But I'm just happy to have my wonderful friend back."

"Well, there's more."

"Yeah? Tell me."

"I met this guy, Keith. He and I were, and are still, both going to the same piano teacher for lessons. My parents hold that I will be more well-rounded taking them" she demonstrates with air quotes.

"That's. . . awesome." I wanted to be enthusiastic but how can I be so, what with my own drama with Noah? I want to fully trust her again, but this relationship is still on thin ice.

Her face falls slightly at my lack of excitement. I hope she just lets it go, though, 'cause I am honestly tired of being fake.

"So. Do you have anything juicy happening in your life?" she nudges me, quite back to her old self.

I have a flashback to our first phone call. Just like then, I am hesitant. Except, this time, I don't give in.

"Nope. Just ordinary schoolwork and home life. I am the new president of the Poetry Club, though." I say as nonchalantly as my voice will go.

"That's great, Meow Mare!! We have to celebrate! Pizza on me?" If she sensed that I had been halfway dishonest, she didn't show it.

"Sure! I'd love that, Kat Kar!" Maybe she was in my position. She just wanted to stay on the positive note. And that's okay. As long as we're a duo again, 'Meow Mare and Kat Kar', that's all that matters. Now, and forever. God is in control, so I will know if it's meant to be.

As I walked out the shop with Katara by my side, I wondered where we had gone wrong in the first place. Apart from that sea scum of a boyfriend(ex-boyfriend now, thank the heavens), Kat Kar and I always get along naturally. And now, I figure she has taken a valuable lesson, or two, from everything that's come to pass. To be truthful, so have I. And this time, that is the ultimate truth. Whatever fiery darts come our way, my best friend forever and I will have a shield of protection around our strong bond of friendship.

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