PART ONE Pages 46-48

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I was finishing up my homework for today when I heard my phone go ping, so I stopped what I was doing to check it. It was a message from Sonia on WhatsApp. As my eyes glided over the screen, I noticed there was one missed message from Katara, as well as a couple voice calls from her I hadn't heard; or maybe, had ignored. . . I'm not sure which. They say curiosity killed the cat, but I had no choice. What if Katara was in danger or something? Even if this message was old, there is a chance I could still help her. My mind froze and my heart sped up its steady beat as I opened the text.

Hey, Marisa. I know we haven't talked much lately, and ur probably still mad at me, but I need ur help!! Meet me by the front steps of NCH after school today. Pls.

I stared at the message and blinked a few times in utter shock. I was mad at her?! What a ridiculous statement! It was very evident it was she and not me who was mad at someone. In fact, she most likely took her anger out on others, too. Why she couldn't just humble herself and accept my caring advice, is what frustrates me the most. I plan to straighten matters with her at the Winter Formal tomorrow, but right now, it can't, it won't be all about her. Now you can say I'm a bit mad; 'cause this is getting blown way out of proportion!!

Trying to calm myself down, I read Sonia's message next, excited as to what it was. This is what it said:

Hi, Meow Mare. Just wanted to see how u were doing. Also, r u ready to chat about what time I should come over tom. ?

She is such a darling, that girl. My fingers typed as fast as they could,

Sure! What do u think abt 6:45? That will give us 50 mins before Noah gets here. . . Also, I'm doing great! HBU?

This day has gone splendidly well, so I have the same hopes for tomorrow. My heart fluttered like a flight of butterflies surrounded by a field of nectar-filled flowers at the thought of going to the Winter Formal with my arm on Noah's. How I was drowning in a sea of my own emotions! My phone went ping again as another message from Sonia came in.

I'm ok. . . Sounds absolutely wonderful! See u at 6:45, then. Can hardly wait!!

'Me too!' I typed back in reply.
Ur gonna look so breathtaking, Noah will have to drink some punch and schedule an appointment with his eye doctor! Not that it should be surprising how gorgeous u r!!

Awww. . . Thx so much, Sweet Sony!


Ofc. Later. I still have hw
OK, bye!

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