PART ONE Pages 69-73

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"I don't think I can take anymore tonight." I show my vulnerability, right back on the verge of tears. What a rollercoaster of a night!

"Hey, that's completely okay. I can take you home if you want" Noah responds in a hushed, encouraging voice.

"I think I'd like that. But first, one last dance?" I sniffle.

"Out here in the hallway?"

"Yeah, why not? All we need is each other, and the faint echo of the music."

"Okay. Whatever you say, Marisa. You take the lead, and I'll follow" My lips part in a contented smile at his wondrous humility. Not many guys are like him.

"Did I ever tell you I can sing?" he says, as we dance the night away.

"Really now? I'm happy to listen" I inform him with a genuine eager interest.

"People say as they say. People go as they go. They follow their own ways" he begins with the most melodious voice I have ever heard.

"I've never heard that song before. What's it called?"

"'Personality'. I wrote it myself." He tells me as he carefully puts his finger to my lips to shush me.

"Wow. You're so talented" I say breathlessly.

"That's kind of you, Queen of Calm. But I beg to differ."

"What do you mean? And don't say 'because you're especially special'"

"It's not that" while a furious blush monopolizes his face.

"Well, then. What is it?" I observe that his expression has sobered.

"I know I can trust you with anything, Marisa." This sentence warmed my fragile heart. "So, here goes nothing. My parents want me to become a professional painter."

"I figure you hope to be someone else."

"Exactly. It's always been my dream to become a pediatrician, and maybe a songwriter on the side. I just love kids." This didn't come as a surprise to me. Not because I knew before now(I didn't), but because I can totally picture Noah in that position. It's too bad his parents don't see it that way.

"Okay. Well, my best advice is to be honest with them, and pray about it."

"Alright, I will." he paused. "You ready to go now? You look basically worn out."

"Yeah, I'd like to leave now. Once it isn't a problem for you" I quickly added, knowing he wouldn't tell me even if it was.

"Your wish is my command." he says with relinquishment.

"How blessed I am to have you, Quiver Boy!" I reply in gratefulness as I lean my head on his sturdy left shoulder, and we walk out into the calm twilight hand in hand.

On the way home, we didn't really talk. We're each lost in our pondering, and all we need is to have each other for support and comfort. Suddenly I wonder what it would be like for Noah to meet my mom. I think it would go well. Unfortunately, she's even busier than usual! Being the head editor for a local newspaper is not easy work. We're almost at my house, which is more like a checkpoint now than a refuge; I have God and Noah for that. I feel like sharing my personal life with someone who will listen and be trustworthy. Noah is most definitely this person.

"Are you thinking about something important, Queen of Calm? You seem to be buried deeply in thought" Noah asks, still holding my hand.

"Well the truth is. . . I've been thinking how nice it would be for you to meet my mom, but. . ."

He continually gazes at me, ready to be there for me. Then, "You have no obligation to tell me. It's not like I'm your boyfriend." There he goes again with that smirk of his!!

"Well, as much as you're right, she has been extremely occupied with her time-consuming work as head editor of the local newspaper, and. . . It's just, I miss her so much" I hear my voice start to crack. Oh no. Not again.

"Hey, Marisa. It's alright. I'm sure your mom would understand how you feel if you told her. And, for what it's worth, I would love to meet the person who brought this masterpiece into the world." With that, he gently places my head back on his shoulder, and his arm around me.

"Okay. I trust you, Noah."

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