t h i r t y f o u r

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Remus is a werewolf.

My mind races as I grapple with it all. How can Remus be a werewolf? Aren't they supposed to be fearsome creatures devoid of compassion? Remus defies that stereotype entirely. There's no way he's a werewolf.

I glance out the window again and notice the moon starting to set. I've been awake for hours, and if Remus is indeed a werewolf, he should be returning soon. But where does one go after transforming to and from wolf form?

I quickly reject the kitchen as a likely destination (although I assume werewolf transformations work up an appetite). Instead, I painstakingly get dressed, changing my mind repeatedly, before stepping out of the room heading in the opposite direction of the kitchens.

The journey to the infirmary takes longer than usual because I'm constantly glancing over my shoulder in fear of encountering a teacher or ghost. I don't want to explain why I'm out of bed.

When I finally reach the infirmary entrance, I freeze at approaching footsteps and mumbled voices. Without a second thought, I hide behind a statue just as the group I'm waiting for comes into view.

James and Sirius lead, supporting a limping Remus, with Peter following behind.

"Just a few more steps, Moony," James reassures his friend, who looks battered.

"Ehm, guys..." Peter interjects, glancing at a piece of parchment. He holds it up, and for a moment, I catch Sirius and James glancing in my direction.

I hold my breath and press myself against the wall, fully concealed.

"Wormtail, stay here. I'll handle it," Sirius separates from Remus, letting Peter take his place. The height difference makes Remus walk with a slight wobble.

Silently, I watch Remus, James, and Peter enter the infirmary, while Sirius stays behind, producing a pack of cigarettes.

"Are you planning to hide all night?" he questions, lighting a cigarette, eyes flickering in my direction.

Emerging from my hiding spot, I move closer until I'm standing in front of him. I extend my hand for the cigarette.

"I thought you didn't smoke," he remarks but hands it over.

Inhaling before responding, I say, "I do when I discover my boyfriend is an animagus."

He visibly pales.

"Oh, and Remus is a werewolf, right?" I glance down at the cigarette, inhaling again before handing it back, coughing.

He appears tense. "Who told you?"

"No one. I pieced it together," I reply, offering a small, reassuring smile.

"And are you... okay?" he asks softly.

I chuckle nervously. "Well, I'm not the one transforming into a wolf three nights every month. So yeah, I'm okay."

He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear, letting his hand linger on my cheek. "How did you find out?"

"It's quite a tale, but trust me, it involved a lot of clues. How long have you been an animagus?"

"Two years."

"Wait, you mastered Animagus Transfiguration at fifteen?" I exclaim, eyes widening in amazement. "That's really advanced."

I once wrote an assignment on Animagus Transfiguration; it involves months of preparation and various rituals. It's not something a group of fifteen-year-olds does on a whim.

"Yeah, I know," Sirius replies with a subtle smirk, a glint of pride in his eyes. "I did it."

I lean in, giving him a small peck on the lips. "That's truly impressive."

𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐌𝐄 ☆ Sirius Black ✔️Where stories live. Discover now