xi. games

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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

── games

── games

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           "𝕳ey." Aurora called out to the dark haired son of Hermes, who was sitting alone by the lake, fiddling with something. Luke paused, before spinning to look up at her, grinning automatically. 

"Hi Aurora." She sat down next to him, cocking an eyebrow as he produced a notebook from seemingly nowhere, holding it out for her.

"What's this?"

"The games, as promised." Luke twisted fully to look at her, as Aurora opened it up. He was a little nervous, but not just because it was Aurora who seemed to have a thing for breaking down his ego, but also because this was her job. She was a famous singer and if she posted this and the games weren't up to scratch then that was on him. They had to be perfect for her, so that her fans were happy and then, Luke could relax. "You can try them if you want, just use a pencil."

"I don-" She cut herself off, seeing that Luke was holding one out to her. "Thanks Luke."

He blushed, muttering a 'don't mention it' before watching as Aurora began to flick through the games, completing them quickly and making a note of what each one's word spelled. Luke had to admit, she was quick at what she did, writing down the answer on the final page, before translating it from it's code.

"New Album, October 15th." Aurora read aloud, waiting for Luke's confirmation that she was correct. He nodded his head, grinning along with her as Aurora handed him back the notebook. "I love it."

"You do?"

"Yeah." Aurora nodded. "Why? What were you expecting me to say?"

"Something about treating you normally, where's the speech or a vague insult." Luke pointed out, relief hitting him quickly. 

"No, no, I really love it, Luke. Thank you so much." Aurora grinned again.

"So, are you going to use them?" He cocked an eyebrow as Aurora went a little quieter. "Come on, Aurora, if you like it, then use them. It's your work. It's your career. If you like them, use them."

"It's not that easy, Luke." Aurora sighed, groaning into her hands. "My mom controls my career because I'm still a minor."

"Better to ask forgiveness than permission." Luke countered. "What's she going to do once they're up? Also, if people love them, then it's all good. Surely, she'd be happy with a positive reaction."

"Yeah, she might, but Luke, she's asked me to do something else." Aurora pointed out. "Look, my mom-"

"Aurora, if you like it, do it." Luke stopped her. "Show Aruna, or Lee, or any one of your siblings and if they enjoy it, then do it. You've got to admit, you had fun."

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