xvii. escape routes

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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

── escape routes

── escape routes

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          𝕹ow, Aurora never said that she was mature. Despite the façade she put onto to the general public and her fans that she was a cool, level headed teenager who was well in control of her emotions and always happy, Aurora was still just sixteen and thus, had no emotional control.

Any of her siblings, or her dad, would be able to tell you that Aurora was perhaps the least mature person in the cabin. It was all because she'd been forced into the limelight and had never had a normal childhood.

That was her excuse at least.

Aruna's was because that Aurora was a wimp and didn't want to speak to Luke or his new girlfriend, she was becoming more and more immature.

That had gone down about as well as expected with Aurora.

But unfortunately, that was the truth of the matter. Aurora was trying to hide from Luke, and Millie, mainly because if she found herself liking her crush's girlfriend then her feelings of hatred for Millie at the situation would become irrational, and Aurora would look like an absolute bitch.

She huffed to herself, going back to scribbling down lyric ideas and notes into her notebook.

Aruna had kicked her out of the cabin and told her to go and find some sunlight, so Aurora was in a hammock by the lake, writing her thoughts down in her trusty notebook.


Someone was calling her name.

Aurora peeked out from over the edge of the hammock, before spotting dark curly hair and a tall figure and cursing. Lying back down, Aurora wondered which god hated her so much as to send the one person she really didn't want to see to the place that she was hiding (though it was admittedly in plain sight). Taking a deep breath, Aurora leant to the other side, before flipping herself out of her hammock and sprinting in the other direction to avoid him.

Escape #1 = Success

At least, that's what she wrote down in her notebook.


"Anyway, mum's thinking that maybe I should come back and go to school." Mack sighed, flicking something at Chris, who was scowling. "I told her that I couldn't and that you would die without me."

"I wouldn't."

"You would." Mack pointed out. "Your mum thinks so too."

"When have you been talking to my mum?" Chris hissed.

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