xiv. sisters

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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

── sisters

── sisters

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          𝕿he Apollo cabin became Aurora's safe space until she could go back to New York, hiding out and away from Luke and the new girl. She'd ignored her siblings' pleas to come out and eat with them, or do any activities, and instead, they'd had to bring food to her as she did her work and her music. She had just wanted time to curl up in a ball in a somewhat dark room and cry, and try and process everything.

Her mom had been right in the end, getting close to boys only ended in heartbreak.

"Right." Aurora looked up as Aruna appeared in front of her, hands on her hip and dark eyes narrowed. "I've had enough. Get up, stop moping, you're coming to archery."

"Aruna, no."

"Aruna, yes." Aruna grabbed Aurora's laptop as the younger girl yelped and tried to get it back. Saving Aurora's work, Aruna passed it to Lee, who put it in his bag and walked out. Aurora blinked a few times, looking at Lee's retreating back and then to Aruna. "You want it back, time to go to archery."

"I can't."

"Yes you can."

"No I can't. I can't see Luke..." Aurora trailed off. "I don't want to see him. I just want to go back to New You, ok?"

"Aurora, I mean this in the nicest way possible, I have let you sit in here, in your sadness for a week and a half, but no more. You're leaving the cabin, you're going to come to archery and then we're going to get food and get you some fresh air." Aruna folded her arms as Aurora tried to form some complaints to tell her sister that she wouldn't. "No, no ifs or buts. Fresh air will do you good and make you see that there are bigger and better things out there than being upset over a boy."

"I don't want that though. I'm upset, Aruna, can't you be sympathetic about that?" Aurora pouted as Aruna cocked an eyebrow.

"Kid, I've been in this game for a while, puppy eyes don't work on me. We've tried being nice and caring, but you need some tough love. I told Lee this, he agrees. We're not having you wallowing in here until Saturday." Aruna pointed out as Aurora cursed her siblings. "I know it's going to be hard seeing Luke, but you've just got to get it over and done with, rip the band aid off. It sucks, yes, but no one was at fault here."

"She was."

"Aurora, blaming the other girl is immature."

"So, it's Luke's fault."

"Technically it's your fault." Aruna counterpointed her statement.

"What? No it's not!" Aurora glared at her sister as Aruna cocked an eyebrow. "You're my sister, shouldn't you be on my side?"

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