Adventures in Trollsitting

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Warning: language

At night, outside of a house, a goblin enters the Nuñez house (Jaidyn's house). The goblin crawls through the window, then goes on to the crib. Enrique opens his eyes, as the goblin stares down at him.

The next day, me, Frances, and Madison admire a Vespa in a window.

Frances: look at that Vespa, it looks lit and it's bright red!

Bella: it's a Vespa 300 GTS Super. Single-cylinder catalyzed four-stroked Quasar engine. Hmm... Can you imagine me going down the road on that?

Madison: yeah, you would probably crash it or crash it into someone.

I sighed.

Frances: what are the chances of your mom getting you one for your birthday, Bella?

Bella: Only slightly worse than me winning the lottery and buying it myself.

Madison: Well, how much you got saved?

Bella: only 328 bucks and 32 cents. [Scoffs] by the time I have enough, these things will drive themselves.

Madison: and you'll crash it.

Frances asks me what the odds are that my mother will get him one for my birthday. They aren't good. I only had $328.32 saved up. By the time I had enough to buy one, they'll drive themselves.

Bella (gasps): do you see that?

I gasped and heard a baby cry and turns to see a goblin holding a bundle on an electric wire.

Bella: goblin!

Madison & Frances: what?

I ran to chase after it.

Bella: it's a goblin, with a baby!

Frances: come on, Bella! It's just a bird!

Madison and Frances rushed after me. As I ran to follow it, but quickly reaches a dead end.

Madison: chill out, Bella! This trollhunting is making you hallucinate! I mean, what would a goblin want with a baby?

Bella: I don't know, but I'm gonna find out.

I see a stuffed bunny on the ground and vows to find out what a goblin could want with a baby.

Bella: let me get this straight. They steal babies.. So they can replace them... With changelings?

Blinky: precisely, Master Bella.

Frances: uh, allegedly steal. I just saw a bird.

In Trollmarket, I was in my armor climbing a wall and talking about how Changelings replace kidnapped babies.

Blinky: and, in order for a changeling to maintain its appearance in our world, and no harm must come to the human child in theirs. I assure you, there is no safe for a baby to be than the bowels of the Darklands nursery.

Bella: well, that's good to know!

In order for the changeling to maintain their appearance in the word, the baby must remained unharmed in their world. There's no safer place for a baby than in the bowels of the Darklands nursery.

Madison: whoa! Hold on, there. Okay, suppose they did take the baby to the Darklands. Isn't that where Gunnar is trying to escape from?

Blinky: The doorway to his realm is sealed for now, but it doesn't exonerate the cracks that inevitably form over time. Cracks that allow small things to pass.

AAARRRGGHH!!!: small, like babies and goblins.

Madison asks if that isn't where Gunmar is trying to escape from. Blinky says it is, but cracks form, which allows things to go in and out. Small things, like babies and goblins.

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