Becoming: pt. 1

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Dawn is breaking in the town of Arcadia Oaks, with a radio host announcing the arrival of the most beautiful 4:40 sunrise.

During the sunrise, an epic fight is being waged in the canal under the Arcadia town bridge between two trolls; Kanjigar the Courageous, the current Trollhunter, and Bular, the son of Gunnar the Black.

Bular: yield, Kanjigar!

Kanjigar: After all a Trollhunter never yield. I'd rather die!

Bular: terms accepted.

Bular seems to have the upper hand for a little while, until Kanjigar takes it back.

Kanjigar: Your turn, Bular. Yield!

The encroaching sun over the bridge begins to burn Kanjigar's shoulder, distracting him, as trolls have a fatal weakness to natural sunlight. Bular uses this opportunity to kick Kanjigar away, the Sword of Daylight is ripped from his grasp, sliding away and coming to a halt in the direct sun.

Bular uses this opportunity to kick Kanjigar away, the Sword of Daylight is ripped from his grasp, sliding away and coming to a halt in the direct sun. Kanjigar grabs it in a split second so his hand doesn't suffer any permanent damage from the exposure.

Bular begin to slowly approach to Kanjigar. Kanjigar amulet started to glow, Kanjigar looks at his amulet and then looks back at Bular.

Bular: There is nowhere left for you to run, trollhunter. give me the amulet!

He runs up the side of the canal, and onto the underside of the bridge. He looks around for Bular, not seeing him until the evil troll jumps from behind a pillar and slams Kanjigar into the frame of the bridge. Kanjigar swings around like a monkey underneath the bridge in an attempt to get away from Bular, but the Gumm-Gumm follows him. They swing back up, and Bular drops out of nowhere on top of Kanjigar, throwing him onto the edge of the bridge.

He jumps on top of him again, trying to force Kanjigar into the sun. The sword of Daylight falls into the canal and disappears. Bular laughs.

Bular: it all ends here!

Bular manages to force half of Kanjigar's face into the sun, turning it to stone. Bular laughs again. He tries to rip the amulet from Kanjigar's breastplate, but Kanjigar grabs his hand, forcing it into the sun which begins to turn it to stone.

Bular: it's me or the sun. either way, you're doomed!

Kanjigar: No. The amulet will find a champion. We will stop you and your master! I may end, but the fight will not.

Knowing there is nowhere else for him to go without the risk of Bular taking the amulet once and for all, Kanjigar ends up sacrificing himself, throwing himself off of the bridge and into the sun, turning him to stone, and smashing to rubble on the concrete ground below. So, now the amulet is safely out of Bular's reach, patiently waiting for its next champion.

Meanwhile, an hour and a half later in a suburban neighborhood, an alarm rings, awakening our hero to gear up for school: Isabella (me basically). I get out of bed, and runs down the stairs to get ready for the day. I put away magazines, wipes down the table, and changes one light-bulb.

I make toast, print out a recipe, and cook breakfast for my mother as well as makes lunches.( apparently, I'm good at cooking and Jim's mom is my mom...) One for me, one for my mother, and one for my friend, Frances. I take my mom's breakfast to her, as she is still asleep in her bedroom from a late shift at the clinic she works at. I take the glasses off of her face and wipes them, setting them on her nightstand. I then leave for school, putting on muy helmet in the garage. I open the garage door and walk my bike out, only to be stopped by knocked over trash can, which I deal with. Frances shows up on her bike, informing her that they are going to be late for school.

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