A Helping Hand

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Ken sat on the edge of the bed waiting for Fantasia to come out of the bathroom, it had been give or take an hour and he'd given up on their romantic night. His mind was livid, Taraji had to have something to do with this and he knew it, it had only been two days, and as soon as Fantasia came home from work and told him about Taraji she'd been acting weird towards him.

*They fucking, they got to be, she won't even touch me since Taraji came back into her life* He said beginning to pace the room, ever since he had gotten between Fantasia and Taraji he made sure they didn't speak as much as he could make sure of. It worked, they grew apart, and they stopped talking. Taraji stopped trying and Fantasia moved on.

~~~~In The Bathroom~~~~

*I just threw us as soon as he touched me, I already turned him down yesterday, and today I rejected him. Uhh, what the hell is wrong with me?* Fantasia sat against the bathroom door, she threw up, and she wanted to leave the bathroom but she couldn't face him. Not after she had rejected him the way that she did. She was disgusted by the father of her children she couldn't even fathom touching him. It took everything in her not to throw up again as she thought about explaining herself.

*He probably thinks I'm cheating on him...I am! NOT PHYSICALLY,  but emotionally...did that count?* she thought to herself as she began shaking herself

She didn't understand what was going on, and honestly, she didn't want to, all she knew was that she wanted it to stop. She had a million thoughts going around in her mind and none of them she had answers to, some were telling her to talk to her husband, and others were telling her to talk to Taraji...

~~~~Their Bedroom~~~~

It had now been an hour since Fantasia ran into the bathroom, ken had put everything up fixed the bed, and put his clothes back on. He was thinking, thinking of ways to deal with Taraji, he wanted to pay her off a long time ago but didn't, and he certainly wouldn't now, not with the both of them working so closely. He didn't know what to do, then it hit him.

"Her son," he said to himself as he rolled over facing their bedroom window, He was the police chief. He could practically do whatever he wanted and no one would ask a question or bat an eye.

*He's a lower-class teenager, a single mom, and black. That's perfect for drug possession* he laughed to himself as he shut his eyes and began drifting to sleep all the while Fantasia Sayed in the bathroom waiting for something I her to tell her to leave the bathroom

~~~~Taraji's Place~~~~

She'd been scrolling for hours looking for anything she could find on either company, Fantasia hadn't told her which side they'd been on but she felt the urge to be well prepared. The more pages she clicked through and skimmed for info the more she felt a growing pit in her stomach. News reports, police reports, and interviews started popping up. None of them were in favor of the two companies. Conspiracy theories were something that kept her attention the longest. She paused as in the tiny preview she could see Fantasia on one of the articles, she clicked it and it was meant with the title plus an image of their latest court case. Fantasia was in the center of the courtroom doing some sort of address to the jury, there were multiple guards around the room. She kept reading.

Behind the scenes, these major players in their industry have allegedly been operating as covert gangs, engaging in activities far beyond the scope of legitimate corporate competition. There have been countless police reports, and scandals involving both companies where workers have been found dead or nearly beaten to death in the streets around the area of the two factories. Intellectual property theft and corporate sabotage are just the tip of the iceberg many are claiming to be out there...As the legal counsel for Dime Productions, Fantasia Barrino has become the target of most theorists believing the jiunor partner of Kaplan & Bold to be lining her pockets in return ensuring they win their case. Unbeknownst to her, so she says, the proceedings delve into accusations that go beyond typical corporate skirmishes,  corporate espionage, and proprietary theft heading an underground gang war. 

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