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They're work day had finally ended, and Taraji and Fantasia found themselves walking to their cars together although they weren't talking in the back of their minds they felt happy that they were even in each other's presence. Everything was going so fast Taraji had just gotten a job and happened to be working on the Fantasia. Fantasia realized that she still loved Taraji, and Taraji found it in her heart to forgive her. although they never said it to each other they wanted to work on themselves so that they could be together. especially when those kids were asking so many questions that they didn't have answers to.

"Taraji let me give you my number, we've got two days before this court case officially starts, and not much work to do in between that time. so I just want us to actually... go out together?" Fantasia said unsure that Taraji would even agree

"Why not, I've got time," Taraji said running into Fantasia as they walked to their cars 

They both couldn't help but smile, it had been a while since they smiled the way they had around one another. 

"Oh shit Taraji, you need a ride home, I forgot that I had your car towed to a repair shop," Fantasia said as she reached her car and looked over at the space Taraji's car was in 

"No! It's fine fantasia ill catch a cab home and you can go home" Taraji said as she zipped her bag up fully prepared to walk out into the misty streets to hail a cab 

"I'm not doing that. Get in the car Taraji, it's cold, wet, and dark out there." fantasia said bluntly as she unlocked her car doors and opened the passenger side door 

"No Fantasia, I'm fine walking home really it's not too far from here!" Taraji insisted as she kept walking

Taraji persisted that she wanted to walk home but Fantasia was not having it. it was New York and a pretty popular area with more law firm buildings than police stations nearby. She would not have Taraji walking home on her watch.

"Get in the car taraji, you think your son would let you go home?"

" no but you aren't my son," Taraji said jokingly as she continued to walk toward the exit of the parking lot

Fantasia just shut the car door and went around to the driver's side, backing out of the parking space Taraji looked back and laughed knowing that Fantasia was about to drive in front of her. and that's exactly what she did and would not move until Taraji got in the car.

"Get in the car Taraji! I'm not letting you walk home, it's my fault that you don't have your car and this is the least I can do" Fantasia said Taraji rolled her eyes and finally got in the car 

"The least you could do is let me walk home," Taraji said fastening her seatbelt 

"Well it's great that I'm not into doing the least for the people I love," Fantasia said as she leaned over and kissed Taraji on the cheek making Taraji blush and string into the chair 

The driving home was short just like Taraji had said to walk with me, but it was better than Fantasia driving home alone. it may not seemed like Fantasia enjoyed every second she was near Taraji but she did especially when they were close together physically, sexually, or just on a car ride. She pulled in front of Taraji's apartment complex and looked over at her as she began grabbing her things, she pulled out her phone and began typing something to herself.

Taraji's phones went off.

"How the hell did you get my number?" Taraji questioned as she checked her phone 

"Taraji, you never changed your number." Fanatsias laughed as Taraji covered her face and looked away

"Fair point, but you still have my number even after 17 years!" Taraji said catching Fantasia 

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