Going Up In Smoke

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As they walked up the courthouse steps Taraji couldn't help but look all around her, she had she knew what it was like to be a part of the jury looking at the case and deciding if the person was guilty or not guilty. but she had never thought to imagine what it was like being on the other side, being the people defending their clients, being a counselor defending a company. it was all so new to her but exciting. at the end of the courthouse, they all sat their bags on the conveyor belt and watched them go through the X-ray machine they walked through metal detectors or patted it down and then finally allowed through. the courthouse was nicer than she could have ever imagined marble floors stone columns and hardwood blind walls everything was either outlined in gold or some type of expensive material.

" Taraji acts like you been here before, you keep staring at everything?" Fantasia whispered to her as they walked side by side

" how can I not look at everything?" Taraji said shaking her head to focus on herself

" yes Tweed courthouses are honestly stunning but act like you've been here before we have to look unified and put together like we know what we're doing, dimes legal team has been with them consistently and we've been consistent with Vice, but when they see Lucy isn't there I have a feeling that they're going to try and jab at us," Fantasia said taking a deep inhale she was nervous not because of the case or because she was going into court she was nervous she had pushed Taraji into this so soon, she thought they had more time to prepare to go over some things but she should have expected the unexpected

" so is there anything that I should know before we go into a courtroom, I know basic courtesies like your honor and stuff like that. but what is so special about Lucy what made her so great I guess?" Taraji asked that she follow the rest of them through the long winding hallways of the courthouse

"Taraji when I tell you Lucy was a magnificent lawyer she was, she made the jewelry sit on the edge of their seats during closing arguments, made them shocked and opening statements, and also she was our wild card if we were under time she would step in and sometimes been the case in a completely different direction," Fantasia explained as Taraji shook her head

 she regretted asking that question. she secretly wishes that she hadn't found out what made Lucy so special especially when Fantasia talked about her like she was God.

" but remembering how you were in law school I think you'll do just fine, we don't need another Lucy we need another solid counselor to make our team" Fantasia took Taraji's hand into her own you softly rubbed the back of her hand knowing Taraji was probably shaking in her boots

" I promise I won't let you down" 

" I don't need promises, because I know that you're going to do great okay," Fantasia said giving Taraji a quick peck on the cheek before the opened the courtroom doors and walked in. Both CEOs of the company sat apart opposite sides of the courtroom dime on the left and vice on the right when they walked in they both turned and looked at them. they weren't late but it felt like they were the way that they started.

"Nice seeing you both again, Mr Jackson and Mr Sheppard" Fantasia greeted and she walked in front of the entire group her bag swaying by her side and her heels clicking against the floor. when she reached the gate or separating the gallery from the actual Court pit she swung the gate open and quickly found her seat at the table 

" Barrino, long time no see I didn't expect you to be back in the courtroom" Jackson mocked as he rolled his eyes he was the CEO of Dime, and as much as he hated to admit he knew Fantasia was a great lawyer and if she was doing something with vice's case he needed to remind his representation of how much money they're being given to winning

" unforeseen circumstances can change a lot of things, but in this case, it changed things for the better" Fantasia said smartly and she gave a weak smile to him before going back to setting up

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