⚠Gone Baby, Dont Be Long

805 39 40

Trigger Warning, Kidnapping, Death, Physical Violence

Jordan had taken Halle and her sister home and pulled up in front of their apartment complex, he got out of his car and grabbed his bags before locking his car door. He was tired and ready to go to bed, but as he walked towards the entrances of the building a piece of wood fell from the side of the building in front of him. He looked up and saw the raging fire coming through one of the apartment windows, he realized it was his apartment, so he dropped his bags and ran inside.

 He began calling 911.

"911 what's you em-"

"I apartments on fire!" he yelled as he continuously ran off flight after flight of stairs

"Sir, here are you, and what are you doing right now?" The operator asked him he barely could respond as he ran down the hallway hitting every corner light something was chasing him 

"Linwood Apartments complex, 3rd floor apartment 36B! I-I think my mother is there!" He began yelling as he remembered seeing Taraji's car outside 

"Sir, where are you right now in the building I'm going to have to ask you to inform your neighbors and exit the building" the operator advised but Jordan wasn't leaving

He could see the fire from under the door and the smoke covering the floor of the hallway. He started to panic as he thought about what was happening inside. His mind raced with a million questions, Taraji was in there, and Taraji was trying to get out, why hadn't anyone pulled the alarm? His chest grew tight as he started hearing faint noises around him, they sounded like yelling and cries for help. 

"MOM!" He began yelling as he tried to grab the door handle but pulled away, it was red hot, he began trying to kick the door open but it wouldn't budge. 

"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to step back from that door, I can hear you trying to kick it open, the firefighters are only a few minutes out!" 

"No, no, I ain't leaving!" he said as his leg began to hurt from kicking at the door, it wouldn't budge a bit

Tears streamed down his face as he hung up the phone and looked around. Why isn't anyone trying to help him, why isn't anyone getting out of the building, why hasn't anyone noticed the fire? He ran to the end of the hall and pulled the fire alarm, everyone within minutes came out into the hallway, flustered, some running to the exits, and others watching a Jordan kick at the door.

"Jordan?! What are you doing? We need to get out of here!" Ken said as he ran up to Jordan and began trying to pull him away in front of the door, Jordan turned to him and pushed him off 

"Nigga don't touch me, If you ain't gonna help then fucking leave!" Jordan yelled exhausted, the smoke he was inhaling was getting to him and everyone on the floor left and stood outside fearfully watching their apartment burn to ash "Jordan! Come on!" Ken yelled once again this time latching around Jordan and pulling him towards the stairwell, he pushed him all the way downstairs and out the front door only to be met with the entire building staring at him

He was confused and disoriented, he spun his head around looking for Taraji but he didn't see her. His heart was racing as Ken let go of him and his legs buckled, he fell to his knees, he couldn't breathe, he couldn't see. 

"Come on, get in the car, I ain't letting them see you like this" Ken said as he picked Jordan up again and carried him over to his car, he reached in his pocket opened the car door, and put him inside before he went back to watch 

Jordan could barely breathe, he was crying and gasping for air he started fidgeting his hands and shaking his leg he was losing it. shaking hands he pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed Halle's number. As he waited for her to answer he looked forward to Taraji's car sitting in front of him.

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