3: Unexpected Invitations

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Yn and Taehyung sat across from Namjoon, their eyes meeting the gaze of their understanding leader. In the hushed ambiance of the office, Namjoon leaned in, asking, "What challenges are you both facing?"

With a shared glance, Yn and Taehyung exchanged a knowing nod before Taehyung took a deep breath and spoke up. "Sir, it's about Mr. Wong. He's been taking credit for the hard work put in by his subordinates, and recently, he got promoted on the back of one of our colleagues' projects without acknowledging her efforts."

Namjoon's expression shifted, a mix of concern and disappointment. "Tell me, who is this colleague?"

Yn hesitated for a moment, looking at Taehyung for support. After a silent nod from him, Yn spoke up, "It's Miss Suha. She's been doing exceptional work, but Mr. Wong never acknowledged her contributions. And when she confronted him, he took her project for himself."

Namjoon's brows furrowed, reflecting the gravity of the situation. "Miss Suha... I see. What action do you think we should take?"

Taehyung spoke up, "We confronted Miss Suha about it, but she insisted that we take no direct action. She wants to focus on her work and not get entangled in office politics."

Namjoon leaned back, pondering the dilemma. "Miss Suha has her reasons, but this isn't right. We can't let injustice prevail."

With a determined look, Namjoon continued, "For now, follow her wishes. But keep me informed about any developments. We need to find a way to rectify this situation without jeopardizing Miss Suha's position."

Impressed by their honesty and dedication, Namjoon commended Yn and Taehyung. "I appreciate your integrity. Let's continue working towards a better workplace."

Later, Yn and Taehyung found themselves at the familiar lunch spot with Wine. As they shared their concerns, Wine nodded in understanding. Together, they formed a silent pact to navigate the shadows of office politics, determined to bring justice to those who deserved it.

Yn and Taehyung left the office, the weight of the day's revelations lingering. As they strolled towards a nearby cafe for lunch, Yn couldn't help but express her admiration for Taehyung's courage in addressing Namjoon.

"Taehyung, I'm proud of you," she grinned, looking at him warmly. "You did a great job speaking up to Joon oppa."

Taehyung's eyes widened slightly, reminding her, "Yn, Namjoon is not your oppa in the office."

She chuckled, realizing her slip, "Right, right. I sometimes forget we're not back in our school days."

Moments later, as they settled into a cozy corner of the cafe, Taehyung's phone rang. It was Jimin on the line. After a brief conversation, Taehyung turned to Yn with a smile.

"Jimin and Jungkook want to have lunch with us today. It's been so long since school, and they're eager to catch up," Taehyung explained.

Yn was taken aback, "Jimin and Jungkook? I didn't know they were back. Jungkook was in London, and Jimin finished studying media. How did I miss this?"

Taehyung shrugged, "They just found out we're working together, and they want to see you. Are you up for it?"

Considering the unexpected invitation, Yn hesitated but then agreed, "Alright, let's do it. It's been ages since school."

Taehyung grinned, "Great! Let's enjoy our lunch and then meet them."

As they continued with their lunch, Yn couldn't shake off the excitement and curiosity about meeting Jimin and Jungkook after so many years. Little did she know, this reunion would open doors to unexpected revelations and reconnecting with the past.

As Yn prepared for the lunch reunion with Jimin and Jungkook, a sense of excitement and nostalgia filled the air. She stood before her wardrobe, contemplating what to wear, aiming for a balance between simplicity and elegance. Eventually, she chose a lovely lavender dressy top paired with a knee-length skirt, radiating a subtle charm. Her open hair added a touch of sophistication. Yn couldn't shake off the mysterious joy bubbling within her. Perhaps it was the anticipation of rekindling old connections or the joy of embracing a carefree moment.

 Perhaps it was the anticipation of rekindling old connections or the joy of embracing a carefree moment

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Completing her look, she reached for her Gucci bag, carefully selected to complement her outfit. A hint of gloss on her lips added a touch of glamour. As she glanced in the mirror, Yn smiled at the reflection of a woman ready to embrace both the present and the memories of the past.

Taehyung arrived promptly to pick her up, a warm smile gracing his face as he saw Yn. "You look absolutely stunning," he complimented.

Blushing, Yn thanked him, "You're not so bad yourself, Taehyung." She teased with a playful smile, "I didn't know you could speak and compliment. I thought you only worked and smiled from time to time."

Taehyung chuckled, "Well, I do have a few hidden talents, you know."

As they shared a lighthearted moment, the atmosphere was filled with an undeniable sense of camaraderie. The car ride was adorned with laughter and shared memories, easing the nerves that lingered in the excitement of the upcoming reunion.

Upon reaching the venue, a quaint restaurant with an inviting ambiance, Yn felt a mix of emotions – anticipation, joy, and a bit of nervousness. She and Taehyung entered the restaurant, where the laughter and chatter of familiar voices welcomed them.

Jimin and Jungkook stood up from their seats, wide smiles on their faces, as Yn and Taehyung approached. The air was charged with the energy of old friends coming together, ready to weave new chapters into the fabric of their shared history.

 The air was charged with the energy of old friends coming together, ready to weave new chapters into the fabric of their shared history

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--------------- Hey Readers, please do let me know if you are liking the book, and your views about it. This would help me improve as this is my first book. :)

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