6: A Plan

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The morning sun bathed Seoul in a warm glow as Jung Yn dialed Seokjin's number, curiosity and concern lingering in her mind. She needed answers about the tension she witnessed between Seokjin and Park Yoona the previous day. The call connected, and Seokjin's calm voice greeted her.

"Oppa!!. Can we talk about what happened yesterday?" Yn asked, her voice a mix of curiosity and genuine concern.

Seokjin sighed on the other end of the line before responding, "Of course, Ynie. I owe you an explanation. Meet me at the cafe near your workplace, and we can talk."

A short while later, Yn found herself sipping coffee across from Seokjin. The cafe buzzed with the rhythmic sounds of brewing coffee and soft chatter, providing a backdrop for the unfolding conversation.

"Oppa, what's going on between you and Yoona unni?" Yn asked, cutting straight to the point.

Seokjin took a deep breath before beginning his tale. "Yoona and I were close friends during school. She supported me when I decided not to join Kim Corp and instead pursued my acting career. I joined JYP Entertainment and got good projects, but there was a recurring issue. Almost every time, my female leads were involved in false scandals with me."

Yn raised an eyebrow, intrigued yet puzzled. "Scandals? What do you mean?"

Seokjin leaned back, his expression tinged with frustration. "Whenever I worked with female leads, rumors would circulate about us having relationships off-screen. It happened so frequently that people started to question my professionalism. I tried explaining to Yoona that it was all a coincidence, but she couldn't believe that such incidents could happen repeatedly."

He continued, "One night, after a press conference, I got drunk, and my female lead tried to kiss me outside a hotel. Yoona witnessed it, and despite my attempts to clarify, she refused to believe me. That incident led to a rift, and we never spoke again. We were never in a relationship, but she has this notion that I'm untrustworthy."

Yn listened attentively, absorbing the complexity of Seokjin's past with Yoona. "So, what do you want now? What's the situation between you two?"

Seokjin ran a hand through his hair, contemplating his next words. "I'm not sure how she feels now. We were close friends, and I miss that connection. But to move forward, she needs to trust me and realize that we never had a romantic relationship. I want to talk to her, make her understand, but I need your help, Yn."

Yn tilted her head, processing Seokjin's request. "How can I help? What do you need me to do?"

Seokjin's eyes sparkled with determination. "I want to make Yoona realize that she needs to trust me. I want her to feel a twinge of jealousy, not out of spite but to make her confront her feelings. Can you help me with that, Yn?"

Yn pondered for a moment, realizing the delicate nature of the task at hand. "Oppa, I can try, but emotions are unpredictable. I can't guarantee how Yoona will react."

Seokjin nodded, acknowledging the uncertainty. "I understand, Yn. I'm not asking you to manipulate her emotions. I just want to create an opportunity for us to talk and resolve things. Can you help me with that?"

With a nod of agreement, Yn committed to Seokjin's request. "I'll do my best to help, Oppa. Let's figure out a plan to make this work."

As they delved into strategizing the plan, Yn couldn't shake off the sense of responsibility that now rested on her shoulders. The intricate web of emotions and relationships in Seoul seemed to be weaving tighter around her, and she wondered how her involvement would impact the unfolding drama between Seokjin and Park Yoona. Little did she know that her actions would play a pivotal role in the intricate dance of emotions that awaited them.

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