7. A Project

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Seoul greeted Jung Yn with a clear sky as she made her way to the bustling headquarters of Kim Corp. As she approached her designated floor, she noticed Taehyung waiting eagerly near the entrance.

Taehyung's eyes lit up as he saw Yn, and he greeted her with a warm smile. "Good morning, Yn! I've been waiting for you. Something exciting is about to happen!"

Intrigued by Taehyung's enthusiasm, Yn reciprocated the smile. "What's going on, Taehyung? Why do you seem so excited?"

Taehyung leaned in, his voice filled with anticipation. "Mr. Wang has given us a new project, and it's a big one! The entire team needs to come up with fresh ideas to improve our hotels. And guess what? We've been assigned to Ms. Soha's team!"

Yn's eyes widened with interest. She had heard about Ms. Soha, a seasoned professional known for her innovative ideas. "That sounds great! What's the project about?"

Taehyung lowered his voice, a hint of caution in his tone. "We need to be careful, Yn. Mr. Wang might try to sabotage our ideas or even use them for his personal gain. So, we have to work on this project smartly."

Curiosity and determination sparked in Yn's eyes. "I'm in. Let's brainstorm and come up with something extraordinary. What's the plan?"

Taehyung led Yn to a meeting room where Ms. Soha was already waiting. The atmosphere was charged with creativity, and they settled around a table, ready to dive into the project.

Ms. Soha, a confident and sharp woman, greeted them with a nod. "Good morning, Taehyung, Yn. I hope you're ready for a challenging yet exciting project. Mr. Wang expects fresh and innovative ideas that can elevate our hotels to new heights."

As they delved into brainstorming, ideas flowed like a river. They discussed themes, amenities, and various concepts. However, one idea stood out among the rest – a kid-friendly menu. Recognizing that a significant number of hotel customers were families, they saw an opportunity to create a unique and appealing dining experience for children.

Yn suggested, "Families often choose our hotels for vacations, and having a kid-friendly menu can make their stay more enjoyable. We can also incorporate family-friendly activities to enhance their experience."

Ms. Soha nodded in agreement. "That's an excellent idea. It not only caters to our customers' needs but also adds a distinctive feature to our hotels. Let's explore this further."

With their focus on the kid-friendly menu concept, the trio began outlining the details. Taehyung, always the creative mind, suggested gathering photos from the hotels to create an engaging presentation. Ms. Soha emphasized the need for in-depth research on family-friendly activities, ensuring a seamless blend with the dining experience.

Yn, realizing the potential, added, "How about we reach out to Jungkook? He could help us with a special menu for kids. His culinary skills are outstanding, and having a special menu crafted by him would be a unique offering."

Taehyung's eyes lit up at the suggestion. "That's a brilliant idea! Jungkook would be the perfect person for this. Let me connect with him and see if he's on board."

As Taehyung made the call, the anticipation in the room grew. Jungkook's willingness to collaborate would be a significant boost to their project. After a brief conversation, Taehyung hung up with a smile. "Jungkook is on board! He's excited about the idea and agreed to meet us to work on the recipes. He suggested we meet at his house to have a more relaxed and focused environment."

Yn nodded, pleased with the positive development. "Great! Let's make this happen. We need to ensure that our idea is not only creative but also executed flawlessly."

Over the next few days, the team worked tirelessly. Taehyung, armed with his camera, visited various Kim Corp hotels to capture the ambiance and essence of each location. Ms. Soha delved into research, compiling a list of family-friendly activities that could be incorporated seamlessly. Yn liaised with Jungkook, ensuring that the special kids' menu would be a culinary masterpiece.

As they gathered their resources and ideas, the synergy among the three became palpable. Despite the challenges that could arise, the prospect of presenting a groundbreaking proposal fueled their determination. The shared vision of creating a memorable experience for families united them, turning a project into a collective passion.

 The shared vision of creating a memorable experience for families united them, turning a project into a collective passion

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