9. A Resonance of Innovation

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The following morning, Yn walked into the office, ready to tackle another day. Like clockwork, Taehyung greeted her with a warm smile and a cup of coffee, a daily ritual they had unconsciously developed. Grateful for the gesture, Yn took the cup, savoring the rich aroma. However, as she brought it to her lips, Taehyung's expression turned sour, realizing that their drinks had accidentally switched.

"You hate coffee, don't you?" Yn chuckled, taking note of Taehyung's disgusted face.

"You hate coffee, don't you?" Yn chuckled, taking note of Taehyung's disgusted face

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With a playful smile, Taehyung admitted, "I might have mixed them up. I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later."

They laughed it off, exchanging their drinks and continuing with their morning routine. The light banter set a positive tone for the day ahead.

As they delved into the day's tasks, Taehyung found it increasingly challenging to focus on the project. His gaze often wandered toward Yn, who seemed deeply engrossed in discussing ideas. The way her eyes sparkled with enthusiasm and her animated gestures captured his attention. Unbeknownst to Taehyung, his subtle glances did not go unnoticed.

In the midst of their brainstorming, Soha discreetly interrupted Taehyung. "The menu is shaping up really well. Yn has done a fantastic job, and we owe a lot to Jungkook for his assistance."

Taehyung nodded in agreement, appreciating Yn's dedication and Jungkook's valuable contribution. Soha continued, "We need to present this to Mr. Wang today. I hope he sees the potential in our idea."

Their optimism, however, faced a setback when Mr. Wang dismissed their project without giving it a thorough look. His dismissive attitude left Yn, Taehyung, and Soha taken aback. Instead of offering constructive feedback, Mr. Wang simply remarked, "This doesn't look like a good idea. You need to improvise and come up with something better."

His words felt like a blow, almost talking down their efforts as if their idea was inherently pathetic. Yn exchanged a glance with Taehyung and Soha, a shared sense of determination to prove their worth burning in their eyes.

Undeterred by the initial setback, they regrouped, ready to refine and elevate their project. The challenge only fueled their resolve to turn their concept into something Mr. Wang couldn't ignore. As they immersed themselves in the task of improvement, the trio forged a stronger bond, united by a common goal and the shared experience of facing obstacles in the corporate landscape of Seoul. Little did they know that this setback would be the catalyst for a creative surge, leading to an idea that would not only impress Mr. Wang but also resonate with the heart of Kim Corp's vision.

The atmosphere at Kim Corp was charged with a new energy as YN, Taehyung, and Soha finalized their revolutionary idea. They were determined to elevate the dining experience at Kim Corp hotels, despite the challenges thrown their way by Mr. Wang.

The trio gathered in Soha's office, armed with their detailed plan to bring in top chefs from around the world. Soha, tapping her pen on the table, glanced at her team with a confident smile.

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