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Hinka didn't look as surprised as I would have thought when my clone and I walked into her office with Knowles in tow. She motioned calmly to her couch so we could take a seat. I let Dimples and Knowles sit on the couch, but remained standing in front of Hinka's desk.

"Something we need to discuss," I said. I was a little nervous. Confronting the boss and all, but something inside me told me I was doing the right thing, so I was confident it would all be worth it. A little voice, or intuition, told me that because I was doing the right thing, I wouldn't fail.

"Looks like you've been busy," said Hinka. "What's so important that it couldn't wait until I get back from Chicago. You're going to make me late."

"As you can see, I've had a chance to talk with JennaBerry One there, and we've come to an agreement. Knowles too. He and I and, and, well, he and I have an important matter about the project to discuss with you. We know the asteroid is a fake. An invention of Wizard. Promoted by you and your committee in Chicago to defraud the world public. I'm prepared to reveal it in my next SocWeb post, unless we can set this straight."

"Take a breath," interrupted Hinka. "I have no idea what you're talking about or why you'd think you're in any position to deliver ultimatums to me. Keep in mind, if you post anything that reveals MoonCorp secrets, or in any way diminishes the credibility of this project, you'll be in violation of your contract. Not to mention a dozen secrecy laws. You could be fired and thrown back to GutterVille immediately. Possibly imprisoned or SusAnimated."

"What do you think is going to happen to you when everybody finds out this project was a fraud. That all the Bitty you've wasted from MoonCorp, government agencies and the MobFund, was for a hoax. That even if there was an asteroid, there's no chance for your project to succeed because you've created an onerous mess of rules, counter rules, and algorithms that serve no purpose but to loop back on themselves." My fists were clenched.

"Nobody is going to find out because as of right now you're terminated. Your SocWeb is suspended. You'll be leaving MoonBase on the next Lyft," said Hinka. Strangely calm. I couldn't figure it out.

"I don't think you're going to want to do that when you hear what I have to say next. Funny thing is you need me. Nobody else can figure out this problem," I said.

"What problem is that?" Asked Hinka.

"The solar emissions. You might want to take a look at them. While you were busy analyzing some mirage coming at us from deep space, I was reading through Wizard reports on the latest sunspot and solar wind activity. We have a real threat to contend with. And you and your other cronies haven't the faintest idea of how to deal with it. Certainly that contract isn't going to spit out any solutions." There, I'd laid it out without flinching. Now all I had to do was step back and watch her grovel.

"This may come as a surprise to you JennaBerry," she started, slow and angry like I might have expected, "but you weren't brought here for your problem solving abilities. Nor for your brilliant creative mind, or any other superpowers your imagination has convinced you that you have. You're here for those ten million SocWeb followers. To present a face for the project. For credibility and funding. Aside from your weekly posts and showing up on the job in your uniform, I really couldn't care less what solutions you dream up. And besides, now that you're leaving, we have someone else that can fill your role just as easily."

"I don't think so," I said. I glanced at Knowles and JennaBerry One on the sofa. A snide grin crawled from the middle of my mouth out to my inflating cheeks. "If you don't agree then the three of us go to Chicago and address the committee ourselves. You'll be the one terminated."

Hinka smiled at me. Ever trying to be confident, even in the face of certain defeat. I had to give her credit. She was a worthwhile opponent. Then she opened a VidCall.

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