Winter Soldier vs. Wolf Spider

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Alyona licked her lips, excitement coursing through her veins in anticipation of what was to come next. "Wold Spider- kill the Winter Soldier!" she commanded.

No sooner had the phrase fallen upon Nikolai's ears was he suddenly in full-blown attack mode. Alyona smiled gleefully as she observed all from the monitor. The Winter soldier versus the Wolf Spider. A clash of two highly-accomplished combatants. And though her bets would normally have been on Bucky, she knew that the former puppet of Hydra was handicapped by his sense of humanity. He would take the defensive and try to restrain Nikolai. Perhaps he would succeed. But if there was one truth in all the world, it was that humanity was a weakness. Once upon a time, Bucky Barnes had been uninhibited by such a character flaw. He killed without hesitation or mercy. But then the Avengers succeeded in cutting the strings, freeing him from his bondage. Since that time, Alyona was certain that his murderous artistry on the battlefield had been depreciated. Watching him block Nikolai's vicious attacks was proof enough of this.

"Oh, Sergeant Barnes," Alyona chided him over the speaker. "You have certainly declined in your abilities since rediscovering your heart. The old Bucky- the Winter Soldier- would have already killed Nikolai without a second's hesitation. A shame, really."

Bucky ignored the disembodied voice and quickly covered the muzzle of Nikolai's gun with his metal hand and squeezed down, obliterating the weapon. Tossing the ruined gun aside, Nikolai wrapped a legs around Bucky's arm and promptly climbed his body. With Bucky's head trapped between his thighs, Nikolai flipped forward, throwing Bucky to the ground. After gracefully popping up, he swept a leg out and kicked Bucky across his face.

"What will you do, Bucky? My little killing machine wants your blood. And as long as he is activated, he will not stop until he gets it. Only your death will quench his thirst now."

Nikolai threw himself on top of Bucky and drove his forearm down into his throat, compressing his airway. With his free hand, he aimed his wristband at Bucky's forehead. Only a lightning quick movement on Bucky's part saved him from taking a direct hit right in the face. Yanking Nikolai's wrist back, the sting hit the floor next to Bucky's head.

"Nikolai, come on!" Bucky groaned as he shoved the assassin onto his back and stood on top of him.

Nikolai remained stone-faced as he continued to bear down on Bucky's throat. Bucky maintained his grip on his wrist, firm but non-threatening. He didn't want to hurt him. But he would stop him. Using his superior strength, Bucky rolled over so that he was now on top of Nikolai. In one quick movement, Bucky restrained both of Nikolai's wrists above his head and pinned the assassin's legs underneath them.

The sound of thudding footsteps hit the floor nearby and Bucky quickly lifted his metal hand, capturing the robotic fist in it. He twisted the fist and hurled the robot into the nearby wall before quickly moving to restrain Nikolai again.

Gunfire cracked through the air.

Alyona leaned forward, eyes wide with delight.

Bucky slumped backward, clutching his chest before falling to the ground. Nikolai stood up and walked over to where Bucky lay. His breathing was labored as he looked up at Nikolai.

"I forgive you," Bucky sighed.

Another bullet hit the Winter Soldier in the chest and he went completely still.

Alyona began to clap. "Well done, little one," she said with a pleased smile. "Now- come into the control room. There's one more mission I have for you."

Nikolai walked toward the control room as the steel doors began to open up. He walked without sparing Bucky a second look.

"Remarkable," Alyona said as she walked around Nikolai. "To think that the great Winter Soldier met his end at the hands of love. I never would have imagined such an outcome. Regardless- we have work to complete."

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