When You Wake Up (NSFW)

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While Bucky piloted the Quinjet, it's course set for Wakanda, Nikolai and Pietro sat in silence, both of them reflecting on the events that had led them to where they were. Nikolai couldn't begin to imagine the private little hell Pietro currently occupied.

"What's on your mind?" Bucky asked as he reached over and laid a hand on Nikolai's thigh.

"Just thinking about all the trauma packed into this jet," Nikolai answered with a sad little smile.

Bucky gave Nikolai's thigh a gentle squeeze. "We can't change what's happened to us. How about we look to the future for a little while?" Bucky suggested. "Shuri is going to undo the damage Hydra did to both of you. Pietro's going to be reunited with his sister. Your name has been cleared. You're both free men."

Nikolai smiled lightly as the concept of freedom bounced around in his troubled head. "I don't even know what that must feel like," he murmured.

"You will," Bucky promised him. "And I'm going to be there with you every step of the way."

"You went to a lot of trouble for me."

"I know. And I'm looking forward to you paying me back," Bucky said with a playful smile. He pulled Nikolai's hand up to his lips and gave it a gentle kiss.

The rest of the flight to Wakanda was  spent in contemplative silence. Each of the three men was so wrapped in his individual thoughts that the sudden sound of Wakandan air control startled them.

"This is Wakandan air control to White Wolf- we have scanned your aircraft and you have clearance to land in hangar seven."

"Copy that," Bucky said as Nikolai looked at him with an inquisitive expression. "That's what they call me here," he explained.

Nikolai smiled lightly. "White Wolf. I like that."

Bucky chuckled and shook his head. "I guess it beats the hell out of Winter Soldier, doesn't it."

Pietro let out an awestruck gasp as the mist-covered jungles gave way to the sweeping and gorgeous sight of Wakanda. Nikolai studied the sight with wide eyes.

"I can't believe I'm seeing Wakanda with my own eyes," Pietro said.

The advanced African city was always breathtaking no matter how many times Bucky laid eyes on it. With its mixture of lush jungles and rolling hills, impressive combination of new age and old world architecture, and the iconic panther statue standing tall and regal among the splendor, Wakanda was easily the most beautiful place in the entire world.

"Trust me," Bucky said to his companions. "It just gets better from here. You two haven't seen anything yet."

Bucky carefully piloted the Quinjet into its designated hangar. Then the three of them departed and approached the corridor that would take them to the palace entrance. As they walked along the smooth, stone walkways and observed the activity around them, the sound of waterfalls and calling birds sang. Once they approached the palace entrance, the figures of T'Challa appeared with Okoye and several of the Dora Milaje following close behind.

Foregoing the decorum one would expect of royalty, T'Challa smiled happily and pulled Bucky into a warm hug. "It is good to see you again," the king said as he kept his hands on Bucky's arms and smiled brightly at him. "And you've brought guests."

Nikolai studied the king observantly. Handsome and proud, T'Challa stood tall and powerful in a black, well-tailored robe. Intricate floral patterns stitched in vibrant purple and gold thread adorned the sleeves and collar as well as the hem. Golden wristbands were clasped at his wrists.

 Golden wristbands were clasped at his wrists

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