Epilogue: Wake Up

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Nurse Agnes Rathbone walked along the unit with the younger nurse named Timothy, who would be relieving her. As they walked, Agnes competently reviewed the current status of each patient who had been under her care while Timothy scribbled notes. Agnes smiled at the young man. He was bright, conscientious and had a gentle bedside manner. As an older nurse who was close to retiring, it made her feel secure knowing that the next generation of nurses had people like Timothy.

"How long are you off, Agnes?" Timothy asked as they approached the nurses' station, where the scent of morning coffee was strong.

"Five while blissful days," Agnes sighed as she retrieved her tote bag. "My grandchildren are coming to stay with me."

"Oh, that'll be fantastic! I hope you enjoy your time off, Agnes."

Agnes bid the rest of the staff farewell before strolling down the hall and toward the elevator. As she did so, a sudden commotion began to take place behind her. She looked over her shoulder to see that several nurses were running to a room at the end of the unit. Though she was tired and her back ached, Agnes hastily turned around and hurried down the hall. It was one of her patients who was being hurriedly seen to and she felt duty-bound to be present.

As she hurried along, she called out to one of the nurse aides. "What's happened, Lara?"

"It's the man in four-oh-two! He's awake!"

Agnes's eyes widened and she picked up the pace. The patient in question was a very sad case indeed. A head injury. He'd been in a coma for the last few years and Agnes had cared for him every night she worked. As she hurried into the room, she could hear Timothy speaking excitedly on the phone- likely to the attending physician.

"Yes, sir," Timothy said. "You heard right. Brian Braddock has just woken up!"

Captain Britain will return.

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