Super Soldiers

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The motorcycle was parked on the curb, mere feet away from Bucky and Nikolai as they rushed out of the alley.

"This is too easy," Nikolai remarked as he made to get in the driver's position.

"Uh...are you a good driver?" Bucky asked with a skeptical expression.

"Shut up and get on the bike," Nikolai groaned. He hid the smile that threatened because, despite his best attempts, the Winter Soldier's charm was slowly working on him.

A flash of blonde braids and a white and red bodysuit darted through their peripheral vision and Yelena appeared with dual handguns. Yanking Nikolai from the hike, Bucky carried him under his arm like a piece of luggage as he spun around and returned fire to Yelena and her entourage before hiding behind a nearby car.

"She's not going to even try to throw us a bone, is she?" Nikolai complained.

"She can't afford to," Bucky answered.

Nikolai plucked a canister of sticky gas from his belt and rolled it across the pavement. Streaks of red gas erupted from it as it heard toward Yelena and her team. "Let's get back on the bike," he demanded.

As Nikolai moved to straddle the bike, a hand reached out from the red cloud and closed around his throat. Bucky scowled as the imposing figure of Red Guardian came into view, his powerful frame clad in a suit that was reminiscent of the Captain America gear- but with a distinctive Russian twist. In fact, strapped across his back was a shield.

"Fucking copycat," Bucky groaned as he closed the distance between them.

"Come closer and say that, little man," Alexei called out with a jovial grin.

Nikolai, meanwhile, lifted his wristband only for Alexei to snatch his wrist and squeeze. He then threw Wolf Spider to the ground and promptly laid a powerful elbow over his throat, bearing down upon him with a strength that immediately stole his air.

"Let's put on a good show, shall we?" Alexei remarked with a sardonic smile.

Nikolai watched Bucky rush the super soldier. Bucky slid across the ground, his legs scissoring through Alexei's and Russia's champion was drawn to the ground. Drawing in a deep, gasping breath, Nikolai rolled aside and jumped to his feet as the super soldiers wrestled on the pavement. Reaching for the bike, Nikolai hopped on and turned the key, firing the engine up. Taking careful aim, he revved up and raced straight for the super soldiers. Alexei spotted the attack and reached out, gripped the bike by its front. The wheels screamed in protest and Nikolai held on tight to keep from being thrown off by the sudden stop.

"Sorry, Lex,"Bucky huffed. "Ride's here."

"Be careful," Alexei cautioned before taking a vibranium blow to the core that knocked him aside.

Bucky gracefully jumped behind Nikolai and they were off like a shot from a gun.

"So he's on it too, then," Nikolai said aloud.

"Yeah, but he and Yelena have done all they can for us," Bucky explained. "The rest is up to us."

"Just tell me where to go."

From out of the gas behind them, a fleet of vehicles appeared. Gunfire cracked and popped and Bucky immediately turned and leaped off of the bike.

"What are you...?!" Nikolai shouted

"Keep moving!" Bucky cut him off. He landed in a forward roll and jumped up onto the windshield of the approaching SUV. Throwing a fist, he shattered the glass and grabbed the barrel of the handgun that was aimed at him. It fired ineffectively in his vibranium palm before it and it's owner were thrown out of the vehicle. He then grabbed the steering wheel gave it a harsh turn. He head butted the driver, dazing him before ripping the wheel from the steering column altogether and sending the van careening toward a parked car. Without pausing, he hopped onto the roof and leaped from one car to the another. Once he landed, he punched a hole through the roof, grabbed the driver by his shoulder and pulled him up, bashing his head on the roof and dazing him. The passenger tried to get control of the car as the backseat occupants moved for the windows and opened fire. Spinning around, Bucky seized one off the man while raising his arm and blocking bullets from the other. Pivoting, he threw his captive into a street sign before turning on the other and striking him in face with a harsh palm.

Gunfire spat from behind, dancing along the roof of the car and Bucky leaped to his new targets. As his body soared across the narrowing gap, Alexei hefted himself up to the roof of the final vehicle and cracked his knuckles. "A rematch, comrade?"

Bucky shrugged his broad shoulders. "Why the hell not?"

Smiling gleefully, Alexei put up his fists and promptly began to showcase what a brawler he was. Bucky, smaller in size, opted for evasive movements and retaliated with precise strikes when an opening came.

"You tool Volstok out of commission," Alexei grunted when Bucky's fist found his side in a cracking blow. "But Darkstar is feeling vengeful."

"Where is she?" Bucky asked, ducking a right hook only to take a left uppercut to the chin that sent him stumbling backward and falling to his back.

"She had her shoulder rest and is seconds away from us," Alexei reported. "I suggest you use my shield."

Bucky looked over his shoulder, sighting Nikolai as he raced nearby.

"Ready?" Alexei asked, barely waiting for Bucky's nod before ripping the shield from his back and throwing it into Bucky's face.

Bucky managed to catch is just as Alexei stomped a boot into him. Lifting the shield, he room the attack at the center of the weapon and was thrown from the rooftop. Landing on the back of the motorcycle, he raised the shield once more just as Darkstar appeared overhead, her expression angry as dark energy swarmed around her.

"Where the fuck are we going?" Nikolai shouted.

"Gaily forward," Bucky grunted. "Then hang a right at the intersection.

A thin beam of dark energy cut through the air and Bucky raised the shield to deflect it. Nikolai took the right turn and the beam cut through the pavement to catch up with them.

"Once we get to the Quinjet we'll be good," Bucky called out.

"One can only hope!"

Darkstar closed the gap, her energy attacks relentless.

"Come on," Bucky goaded. "Just a little closer."

Darkstar got within range and Bucky launched the shield with all his might.

The shield flew off to the side, missing Darkstar by several feet.

"Was that supposed to happen?" Nikolai remarked, catching the action on the side view mirror.

The sharp edge of the shield struck the scaffolding of a nearby, partially constructed high-rise and the grenade Bucky had discreetly attached to the weapon detonated.


The building site began to crumble and fall behind them and Darkstar was lost in the rain of rubble.

"Now, even you have to admit that was a smooth move."


Bucky grinned. "One of these days I'm going to impress you."

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