Raphael Russell ❤️‍🔥

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shocked I was shocked...
My face hanging but I quickly straight it away
Wow just wow

I loved when she took that turn so sexy I don't believe this she was so good. Kai said " wow now that's attractive. She is sexy and she knows how to drive like a fucking queen I think you might have someone on your side now who can drive as good as you. I will be worried.

She won and was quickly surrounded by people I went to her and she said " impressed are we?"
I replied " Very much" and I left as she was surrounded by people

I went home and I saw a text from my parents inviting me home for the weekend me and my parents only live like 10 mins away. I moved away last year.

I moved away because I just wanted to live alone.
And now I only frequently visit home only when there is something important. I have to go home for the weekend this time tho because dad's text said 'come home this weekend I got something to talk to you about'

So looks like am going home. I went to my GYM that was in my house and punched like crazy I like boxing I like it since I was 8 when first time my dad brought me to his boxing club. I saw him being in control and unleashing that angry I liked it so much that I started to box with him.

I was punching for like 3 hours straight and then I got into my sense again and went for a shower I returned home and checked my text where in a boys group chat they were all texting like crazy how big one of rose's chick tits are and sending pics I wasn't interested so I left the chat.

I woke up the next morning. Got ready and left for my parents home got there in 10 mins and sat down in the living room waiting for my parents my dad enters " Good morning son how have you been doing" he said as he sat down and then my mother enters

" You should visit more baby it's like every time I see you. You grow more and more" I hug my mother and she sat down. I said "so what's so important that you wanted to talk to me about"

"We are planning you marriage" my dad said
"Wait what" what the heck just happened here my marriage I am just 22.
"This is right Raphael you are 22 and everyone our family has to marry for business you are the next you have to marry someone that is much as powerful as you  or more powerful than our family. Just like me and your mother did we married each other out of family business and all but we fall in love with each other after that"he said with a straight face

"What no that's not gonna happen" I said
My dad replied " either you marry some one or you don't get to be part of our family mafia business"
" What what that's so wrong that can't be right I am still in college I got lots to do" I said
" so was I but I married and everything changed you have to do the same I am not gonna let you ruin our family name this is final"

"Mom say something. don't you have something to say I can handle our business without marriage aswell please trust me I can do this"

" I can't say anything in this matter baby because this is how things works out in our family so you must do what's right today we are going to meet the other family so get ready. Am really sorry

I tried and tried to explain them so much but I couldn't win if I have to be a party of my mafia business I have to marry so I decided to just go along with them because whoever am gonna be marrying is just gonna be a face to show people and I can do whatever I want in my time

I can fuck her do whatever I want she would be a good little wife and obey me because she also can't get out of this marriage and then I have to have kids with her or whatever.

In the other time I can do whatever I want I can fuck anyone I want I don't care if she doesn't want me to or whatever she is just gonna be a little doll for me

Now let's see who is it that I have to marry as I enter the restaurant with my parents.

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