Chapter 9

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Kanak reached office. She hadn't slept properly last night and just this morning had had a huge argument with the man who delivered milk packets to her flat. It was a bad start to the day and she had been so worried about Palak who had yet to call her. Not to mention Mr. Aarav Singhania and his threats had refused for her to find any peace. She just couldn't get the man out of her head. And just as she was about to punch in her card for attendance she found she was wanted in the manager's office urgently. While she rushed she saw Pratiksha on her way who only smiled at her sympathetically. Not reading too much into the other girl's expression she knocked on Mr. Talwar's office and entered.

"Good afternoon sir," she said politely and smiled.

"Good afternoon, Miss Sharma," Mr. Talwar said and indicated for her to take a seat.

"You wanted to see me" she said.

"Yes," the man replied, "Miss Sharma you are aware of our hotel policy regarding clean backgrounds of our employees," he asked and Kanak nodded not understanding what he meant. "Good," he said as he adjusted his glasses on his nose, "the management has sent this for you," he said and gave her an envelope that had her name written on top.

Kanak took it and read the contents. Her position in the housekeeping department was being terminated with immediate effect. Her hands trembled as she read the whole letter telling her about how her salary for the month and other monetary compensations would be given to her. Her eyes filled up with tears. They were firing her. After diligently working for them for three years they were asking her to leave. Just like that. Just yesterday she and Pratiksha had talked about this. And she had been warned about what might happen. But she knew it wasn't because of any other reason but that she had been taken to the Police station. But it was all a misunderstanding. She looked up from the paper.

"Sir," she started, "I know this is because of what happened yesterday but it was a misunderstanding. They weren't looking for me. It was my..." she almost said 'my sister' then paused and cleared her throat, "it was somebody else they wanted and by mistake they thought the person was me. Trust me sir, I still have a clean background. If you want I can ask the police to clear up the matter," she pleaded.

"Look Miss Sharma," Mr. Talwar said in his hoarse voice, "I know you as an honest employee but this is not a matter where I can help you. It was the management's decision. As it is they were looking for excuses to cut down on employees this misunderstanding or mistake or whatever it was gave them that excuse," he said in a calm voice.

Kanak bit her lip helplessly. This was something she hadn't been expecting. Getting fired wasn't good. She didn't know if she would be hired elsewhere. Had she resigned it would have been another matter.

"Sir..." she started but Mr. Talwar cut her protest off in the middle.

"Miss Sharma, I know how you feel but I did try to keep it to the minimal," he said kindly, "I made sure they did not mention the reason why your job was being terminated immediately because that would have caused problems for you to get another job. They have mentioned that it is due to managerial decision to cut down on the workforce so you shouldn't have a problem in getting a job elsewhere but here," he said and shook his head as he straightened his glasses again, "I am sorry we won't be able to continue with you," he said, "I will give a good recommendation if someone contacts us but beyond that I won't be able to help you," he said firmly and went back to working on his computer.

Kanak sat there for just a few seconds getting her bearings in order. There was no point in either protesting or saying anything. The decision was made. Oh! Those Singhania's. What else was in store for her she had no clue? She controlled her tears and murmuring a thank you left the room. She met Pratiksha outside who smiled reassuringly at her.

"I had thought they might drop the axe on you first because of the little scene yesterday," Pratiksha said, "but I didn't know they would do it so fast," she said sympathetically, "I am sorry," she said.

"It is not your fault," Kanak said upset with the whole thing.

"It is not your fault either," Pratiksha said vehemently, "it is Palak's fault and she should be here to reap what she sowed. Not you," she said angrily.

"What is done is done," Kanak said trying to ease her friend's temper, "they were anyway going to let go of a few of us," she said and shrugged, "just my luck to be the first one," she said and tried to smile.

"I don't know what will make you see her faults but," Pratiksha said shaking her head at Kanak, "what are you going to do now?" she asked as they both slowly walked towards the station where their stuff was kept.

"Well, I am glad this came in the middle of the month," Kanak said trying to be positive about this, "my rent is paid for this month and the next month too. I have some savings to last me a few days while I hunt for another job. And I hope Palak would be back soon so her income will help out with things too if it takes longer than that to find a job," she said and sighed.

"What?" Pratiksha exclaimed. "The princess isn't back yet," she said sarcastically, "she didn't even call?" she asked.

"No," Kanak said upset shaking her head.

"You know I don't understand how you put up with her," Pratiksha said then as she looked at how upset Kanak was she changed the topic, "if you need any help and I mean it, any help you tell me," she said.

"Of course," Kanak said gratefully.

Then Pratiksha hugged her and told her she would call her after her shift ended. Kanak nodded and watched her friend hurry away to finish her work. She sighed and went towards her station. What rotten luck she was facing since she had met the Singhania's? And she wasn't sure what next they would bring on her if she didn't find Palak soon? She hoped Palak would come back. And with that she sent up a quick prayer to whoever was listening.


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